A Stupid Waste of Time

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Dan's P.O.V

Much like the days when Darcy was asleep, I spent my hours watching her and studying her actions. I admit, I felt like a bit of a creep but it was only because I missed her and loved her so much. She was progressing but I was impatient, I just wanted her to talk about me, to remember me. The doctor said that I had to wait two week, and it had nearly been a whole week so far.

It came to the 6th day and finally the doctor was going to ask her the question I so desperately desired the answer for.

Does she remember me?

Phil had also been desperate to know and I noticed I was spending more time with Darcy than I was with him. But I would text him pictures and notify him of any progresses she was making. He came in once, and stayed with me for a while, both silently watching Darcy. Waiting for something, anything.

"So Darcy, how are you feeling?" She smiled up at the doctor and brushed her hair behind her ear.

"Good, still no head pains"

"That's good, now today I want to ask you about something that I'm not quite sure if you are ready for but had been requested" Darcy raised an eyebrow.

"Requested, from whom?" She asked and the doctor chuckled.

"That's what I want to speak to you about today. I have been a bit hesitant to question you on this subject but it may be the next step in your recovery. Do you remember anyone called Dan and Phil?"

Darcy's P.O.V

I expected, much like all the other topics the doctor had introduced, to recognise the names. But they sounded foreign to me. They didn't seem to have any relevance and I wasn't surprised or angered. Just another thing I couldn't remember, and this whole process was starting to bug me. I felt fine, my head didn't hurt and I certainly wasn't having any disturbing mental images. Why was I even there? It was pointless! And after being in there for countless days I was getting frustrated.

"No" I said truthfully, and the doctor nodded his head slowly, I don't think it was the answer he had hoped for.

"Are you sure? Dan and Phil, do they sound familiar?" I shook my head, the sudden realisation of me being in this place an annoyance changing my mindset and behaviour.

"Not at all" I said and the voice of the doctor started to irritate me.

"Well if you do remember anything, please tell me okay?" I nodded, but I couldn't remember anything and I just wanted him to leave as soon as possible, but like all the other days, he stayed for about an hour, asking me more questions and trying to get as much out of me as possible.

I hated it all.

I hated being in this place.

It was stupid.

Can I leave sooner?" I asked, praying the answer would be yes but the doctor shook his head.

"No, I'm sorry. You need to take your medication here under supervision for ATLEAST two weeks" I sighed and the doctor left, locking the door behind him.

I didn't know anyone called Dan and Phil, what was he talking about?

Stupid man.

Stupid hospital.

I didn't need to be here, I was fine and my memory would come back. I didn't need any medication or supervision. This whole procedure was a waste of time.

I just want to go home, I thought but then it hit me.

What was home?

Who did I live with, just on my own?

What about my family?

What about my friends?

And now I had become confused and irritated, not a good combination.


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