Charles Lee x Reader

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omg I didn't think that anyone would actually request something, thank you!

This is for haru3889, enjoy^.^

Sorry if it's pretty bad oops

Don't forget to request stuff btw:)))))


"Y/N?" I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Charles stood with his hands behind his back, a slight pink tint to his cheeks.

"Charles, what's the matter?" We've grown closer over the past year, ever since Haytham decided to pair us together on a few missions.

"I was wondering, maybe you'd like to accompany me to the Green Dragon?" He asked, looking at his shoes.

"I'd love to," I smirked. 

"I shall meet you there at 7 o'clock," He said, inching forward ever so slightly, but then moving away. What had gotten into that man?


I walked up to the tavern, the smell of alcohol already stinging my nose. I opened the doors, greeted by Lee himself.

"Y/N, I must say, you are looking ravishing tonight," He laughed slightly, lifting my hand, and kissing my knuckles.

"What a gentlemen," He led us over to a table, ordering two drinks on the way.

"Why did you meet me here anyway?" I began to question, but the bartender interrupted me with our drinks. He placed them down onto the table, smirking at the both of us. I watched Lee take a drag of  the drink, placing it back down on the table loudly. 

"Was that a challenge?" I laughed, picking up the mug of the copper liquid and bringing it to my lips. 

"I believe it was," He smirked, motioning the bartender over again.


I bought the last of the whiskey to my lips, swallowing down the poison. It burned the back of my throat. I could feel Lee's eyes on me as I gulped the last of it down, trying not to grimace. I felt only tipsy, but the same could not be said for him. I could see him swaying ever so slightly in his seat. That man could not hold his alcohol.  

"I think it's time to go now," I stood up, bringing Lee up with me

"We haven't finished yet, love!" He slurred, grabbing my arm. I dragged him towards the exit, throwing some coins at the bartender. I opened the door, feeling the fresh air bite at my neck. I started to lead Charles back to his lodgings when he cut through the icy silence.

"I love you," He whispered, looking up at the stars

"You what?" I stopped rather abruptly.

"That's why I called you here, I wanted to tell you, but that's obviously going to shit," He laughed slightly, grabbing my hand

"That's the alcohol talking, come on, Haytham's probably wondering where we've gotten to," I tried to get him moving again, but he stood his ground. I looked up at him, his eyes no longer clouded.

"I do love you, Y/N, I have for a while now," he grabbed my other hand, awaiting my reaction.

"I love you too, Charles," I smiled, inching towards him slightly. He came in closer until I impatiently closed the gap between us. 

After a small while, we pulled away, still looking at each other. 

"We should go, Haytham is probably waiting for us," He said, taking my hand and walking us back to Haytham.

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