Modern! Jacob Frye x Reader

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heyyyyyy thanks for all the support on my Shay fic omg I didn't think many people would like it tbh, if you haven't read it then you may want to,,,

sorry i keep writing modern day fics, it's pretty much impossible to do most of my ideas in their time:')


pretty shit  sozzzz

(Y/R/N) - Your Roommates name


You opened your front door, stepping inside your house and instantly throwing yourself on the sofa. You let out a sigh, your bag still hanging off of one shoulder. You looked at the clock and shook your head. Ever since you got that new job you've been coming home at ridiculous hours. You stood up and hung your bag on one of the coat hooks, then walked to the kitchen. You turned on the switch by the  door, engulfing the room with light. You went over to one of the cupboards, in search of something to eat. You closed the cupboard a minute later, realising that there was nothing to eat at this hour. You walked out of the kitchen again, pressing the switch to turn off the light. 

"Y/N?" Your roommate called from upstairs, wondering where you were

"Yeah?" You shouted up the stairs, looking for them

"Nothing," They mumbled and went back to sleep. They were always like this, shouting your name for hours straight, then when you finally answered, they didn't need you.

"The dog!" You shouted, remembering you had left the dog outside. You ran to the back door, grabbing a torch and stepping outside. You turned on the torch to find a rather drunk man patting your dog. As he looked up, you half blinded him.

"Woah, sorry!" You apologised, stepping towards him. "Wait, why are you in my backyard?"

"Dogs are great," He slurred, standing up. In the light of the torch, you could see his dark hair falling onto his face, his jawline could cut you if you got too close. He wasn't too tall but looked very strong. He had a few cuts on his face, probably due to numerous bar fights over time. He shifted his weight on his feet to one another and looked like he was about to pass out or throw up. Or both.

"Hey man, are you okay?" You asked before he threw up, just missing your shoes. You started to laugh until you realised you were the one who had to clean it up. You walked closer to him, avoiding his throw up, and put your hand gently on his shoulder to guide him into your living room. You both stepped through the door, being careful not to trip over anything as he was still stumbling. You sat him on the sofa and handed him a blanket. He looked up at you with a rather confused face.

"I just threw up on you, and you're letting me stay?" He asked, slowly but surely sobering up

"You thought I was going to let you walk home like that?" You laughed slightly, looking back at his face.

"Suppose not," He mumbled, holding his head. You walked away from his spot on the sofa to the kitchen again, opening the drawers until you found some aspirin. You filled a glass with water and carried them both into the living room. You found the stranger on the sofa, led down and fast asleep. You placed the water and aspirin on the table next to him and went to bed. 

-the next morning-

You emerged from your room and walked down the stairs to the living room. You saw your roomate stood right in front of the man from last night asleep on the sofa.

"(Y/R/N)?" You whispered, confused at his actions

"(Y/N), who is this?" They asked

"I don't know, I saw them outside patting the dog, then he threw up and I let him sleep here," You answered

"He could be a drug dealer (Y/N),"

"I highly-"

"Or on the run from the police," 

" (Y/R/N)-"

"I can assure you, I'm not any of those," A voice from behind your roommate laughed

"Ah, he's awake!" Your roommate said, sarcastically, "You can deal with him,"

"It's your house too," You said as he walked away. You looked back at the man on your sofa and laughed.

"What?" He asked, a slight hint of amusement in his tone

"Why were you in my backyard patting my dog?" You laughed

"As I said last night, dogs are great!" He said, sitting up

"How did you even get into my backyard?" 

"I remember nothing when I'm drunk," 

You admired his features even more in daylight. His eyes shined in the light, jawline even more prominent. The scrapes on his face looked worse, though. Some looked fresh, others looked months old. You were staring quite intently, it seemed, when he started mimicking your stare.

"You have so many cuts," You observed, narrowing your eyes

"I get into a lot of fights," He smirked bluntly

"I can see that," You watched him as he got up and stretched out his arms. "Well, I don't want to stay here longer than I should, my sister would probably be screaming the house down by now,"

"I don't even know your name, love," He smirked after, following him to the door and opening it for him

"(Y/N)," You smiled

"I'm Jacob," He said, getting a crumpled piece of paper out of his coat pocket, "Don't suppose you got a pen, do you?" You reached over into your coat hanging on the hook and dug through the pockets. You picked out a pen and handed it to him, watching him scribble down something, then handing it to you.

"My number," He winked, kissing your cheek, then leaving.

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