Modern! Shay Cormac x Reader

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Happy Valentines day woo^.^ If you're like me and are spending today alone, then don't worry we can be alone together omg

So yeah, enjoy this haaah

[pretty short sozzzzz]


You got home absolutely exhausted after work. You shrugged off your coat, and kicked off you shoes, throwing them across the room. You let out a loud sigh, flinging your bag onto the sofa through the doorway. You were expected to do piles and piles of work in a few hours, and because you're too awkward to say no, you stayed overtime. You stepped into the living room to find Shay trying to untangle himself from your bag. You were never a good aim.

"What's up with you?" He asked, flailing in your bag straps

"I wanna jump off a bridge, to be honest," You said, throwing yourself onto the sofa

"Ah come now, don't be like that," He laughed, scooting closer to you and sliding his arm around your shoulders.

"I'm gonna go take a bath," You pried yourself out of his grasp, and walked to the bathroom.

You walked in through the door, closing it behind you. You reached over and turned on the tap, hot water spilling out of the faucet. You started to take off your clothes, throwing them anywhere and everywhere. The bath was full now, the water slowly rippling. You poured a lot of soap into the bath and lathered the water, making what seemed to be a mountain of suds. You climbed in, resting your head against the back of the bath, and closed your eyes. You opened your eyes to grab the shampoo, when your face came into contact with something rubbery. You let out a shriek, and started flapping your arms around to rid your face of the rubbery substance. You looked up to see Shay sat on the floor with his face in his hands, laughing. In his lap sat a rubber spider on the end of a string. You pushed your hands through the water towards his laughing form on the floor, drenching him in water and soap.

"You twat!" You shouted, starting to laugh a little yourself

"You got me wet!" He yelled, throwing the rubber spider at you again. You caught it, and threw it back at him, getting him right in the face.

"What d'you do that for!" You cried

"I was trying to cheer you up!" He retaliated, throwing the spider back in the bath

"This is going in the bin," You said, picking it up out of the bath and putting it on the floor. You looked back up at Shay who was taking off his shirt. "What're you doing?"

"You think I'm not going to join my girlfriend in the bath?" He laughed, kicking the spider out of his way with his foot.

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