Shay Cormac x Reader

5.4K 149 18


yo yo yo guys,,,, i'm not doing a modern! one for once, it's a bloody mircale tbhhh

im still tripping over 1.1k reads like tffff? thankyou though, i know i keep saying it, but I am really appreciative:)))

I'll start to write the Shay fic I keep fangirling about soon so keep an eye out for that;)))

(Y/H/C) - Your Hair Colour


You looked up towards the cloud filled sky, engaging and sheathing your hidden blade in boredom. Snow gently pattered down to the ground below, slowly turning the environment around you a pure white. You were in infamous Assassin Hunter, highly sought after by Templars for employment, and Assassins for death.

You made no noise when you moved, the only sound was the quiet shuffling of your robes as they rubbed together. You weren't used to this freezing temperature, you were usually in the Carribean hunting the enemy. The Assassin presence in North America was very high, so naturally the requests for you to hunt the other side was mighty. 

You were stood on top of a tower, surveying the ground below for any foreign objects or movement. You took your hood off for a brief moment, wiping (Y/H/C) hair from your face. No one knew what you looked like, thinking that people would instantly degrade and insult you if they found out you were a woman. You threw your hood back over your head, feeling instant relief from your freezing ears. Truth be told, you were a little impatient. Waiting for your target tested your sanity more than it should for a hunter. You were after a den leader, no one important, but that still didn't stop you from giving it your best.

You looked down at the ground below once again, hearing shouting in the distance. You looked in the direction of the commotion, trying to work out who was causing the trouble. You were peering over the large spiked fence to see the situation when you heard two pairs of feet running below. You looked down to see your target, and someone dressed in similar robes chasing them. You jumped from the tower to the ground below, disturbing some stones with the soles of your feet. You ran after your target, chucking up stones and gravel from the floor behind you in your rush. You haven't lost a target yet, today wouldn't be the day that happened. 

The man and target were in your sights, now in shooting distance. You unsheathed one of your pistols from its holster, aiming it at the den leader. Your finger hovered over the trigger, aiming the barrel of the gun in the back of his head. You pulled the trigger, sending a bullet shooting out. The sound echoed through the trees and buildings, sending birds fluttering out of their nests in the trees and making people turn around to see the commotion. It barely scraped man in front, hitting your target in the back of the head, killing him instantly. The two of you slowed down to a stop in front of the now deceased target, both trying to catch your breath.

"Both sent to kill him, hey?" The man finally said after a few minutes of awkward panting. His accent was a very deep, thick Irish one. It would be lying if you said it wasn't attractive. You only nodded in response, still wanting to conceal your identity.

"Ah, you're the infamous hunter that nobody's seen and heard then? Men like us are brave, hmm?" He clapped me on the back, sending me forward an inch.

"Actually," I slowly inched my hood down to reveal my face. He looked at me with a mix of shock and regret. "I'm a woman,"

"I'm so sorry, lass, I only assumed-" He started to mumble apologies, but I stopped him

"It's fine. That's exactly the reason I choose not to tell everyone I'm not a man," You both laughed slightly, you shaking your head. After that, the atmosphere was an awkward silence, one that you thought would never be broken.

"Your, quite beautiful, if it's any consolation," He laughed again, breaking the silence between us. You started to laugh again, in denial.

"Do you not believe me, lass? What's your name? I bet it's as beautiful as your face," He smirked

"(Y/N)," You blushed, trying to hide it in your coat

"Well (Y/N), come aboard my ship, the Morrigan, I'll be sure to make you believe it in time," He started walking away, until he nodded his head in the direction of his ship, motioning you to follow him

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