Arno Dorian x Reader

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[long story, sozzzzz]

yo yo yo sorry I didn't update yesterday I was busy af

I haven't done Arno yet so this'll probably be aa good time to,,, but eh idk if he's the flirting type tbh??

So I'm thinking, remember that Shay imagine I did a small while ago? I'm thinking of turning that into a full length story thingy, but I wanna know if people actuallly want that, because a lot of you seemed to like it. So tell me if you want it to happen, and I'll see

but yeah anyway thanks for the support, don't hesitate to request stuff btw:))))



** My darling


Arno was such a flirt. Every woman we passed, he had to do something to interact with them, whether it being winking at them, complimenting them - it was ridiculous. Bellec sent you on a mission to retrieve a few things for him, but at this rate, it looked like it would take years to complete. You walked through the busy streets of Paris, occasionally having to gently push a few people out of our way. You both walked in silence, not looking at each other. You having my eyes in front, focusing on the destination while Arno had his eyes on all of the women around us. You couldn't help but feel a small pang of jealousy, wishing it was me you was looking at. You passed yet another woman, Arno instantly activating his "flirt mode"

"Ahh, miss, your eyes are superbe*" He grabbed her hand, and kissed her knuckles, which she responded with a giggle.

"Arno, come on," You said, grabbing his arm and dragging him away

"What's wrong Y/N? Jealous, are we?" He smirked, gently pushing your shoulder 

"No, actually," An idea formed in your head, but you weren't sure it would work, "I already have a sweetheart,"

"You- what?" You were sure his face fell a fraction, but it instantly picked back up, so you didn't say anything, "That's great, I shall have to meet him soon,"

You had liked Arno for the longest time, each passing day you learned to love him even more than you did the day before. You started to notice the small things about him, like the way his eyes would light up when he laughed, or the small sway of his hips when he walked. The little things about him were the best. 

"Is this it?" He questioned, snapping you out of your love-lorn thoughts

"I believe so," You said, walking past him into the store

You walked in, weapons lined the walls, boxes of ammunition sprawled over the floor, it was more like a small fort than a store. You walked up to the counter, getting out the paper Bellec gave you to retrieve the goods.

"Morning Miss, what can I get you?" The man behind the counter asked. He looked quite young, about your age, and devilishly attractive. You slid him the paper, making him look at you. "Bellec the Mr.?" He nodded in Arno's direction, who was looking at the weapons

"He's our mentor," You shook your head, still looking at Arno

"Unmarried, then?" The man asked, getting a few things from behind the counter

"Yes, actually,"

"So you would join me for dinner tonight?" He smirked, placing all the items on the table and leaning on his right hand, smirking


"Y/N?  Ma chérie **, Bellec will surely be waiting for us, there's no time for idle chit-chat!" Arno swiftly joined your side and snaked his arm around your waist. The clerk looked at the two of you, and Arno's arm.

"Unmarried, hm?" 

"Not married. Yet," Arno looked at you and kissed your forehead. You had no part in his plan, in fact, you didn't want to be part of his plan, it would only cause problems. But he had his arm around you, you couldn't care about anything at this time. You took the items, and threw a bag of coin on the counter and walked out. As soon as you got out of the door, you pulled away from him, making Arno laugh.

"I don't bite, ma chérie," Arno said after his laughter fit, "Though your other half may after this,"

"I don't actually have another half! Your face when I told you!" You started laughing, his face falling again. You ran off, looking behind you every now and again to see his face in a state of confusion.

"You lied to me!" He yelled, and instantly started running after you.

"I did, big deal!" You shouted behind you, coming to a stop after running into a dead end. You heard panting behind you, assuming it was Arno. While he was out of breath, you decided to ask him the question that was always burning in the back of your mind.

"Why do you flirt with everyone?" You blurted out so fast, hoping he wouldn't hear you.

"Did you mean, why don't I flirt with you?" He stood up, smirking and putting a hand on his hip.

"Well, yes, but-" You were interrupted by his lips on yours, feeling his arm snake around your waist again. After a rather short whilen like this, you pulled away, rather confused.

"Truth be told, I'm pretty nervous around you, if it wasn't apparent already," He looked down at his shoes, fiddling with an up-turned stone on the ground. To think about it, it was pretty obvious. Every time you were assigned a mission together, he'd always end up going silent, or bright red. Not that you were any better, of course.

"I do care about you, even though I don't show it," He pulled you into a hug, resting your face into his neck.

"I care too," You whisper, whishing to stay where you were until the end of time.

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