so uh

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ha ha hey remember me

so i never write anymore (if you havent actually noticed) and thats kinda because i have no time or effort tbh im in my last year of school i have exams and aaAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 

hOW E  EV ER,,,;; i am v  v vvvery active on my tumblr blogs if you wanna follow them?? ,maybe?/

my url is cleanhoney if you want to follow me?? its mostly pretty soap and cake 

then there's sichengxo which is literally all kpop like im not going to lie so if thats your cup of tea then follow it i guess?? 

if you follow my tumblr i guess you can stay in contact with me or something? idk it would be nice if some of you followed my tumblr (i want friends ooops)

thank you for all the support!

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2017 ⏰

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