Modern! Edward Kenway x Reader (this is really dumb im sorry)

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122 votes though wtf! Thank you all so much*,*

We had History homework and it was about the Industrial Revolution and I'm not even joking when I say that I didn't even need Google,, thanks to Syndicate ayoO

Thanks again ayy

  (Y/S/N) - Your Son's name 

not really a fanfiction tbh, it's dumb as hell but it made me laugh


"Mum, does Dad have to come?" Your son asked as you were getting into the car

"Yes sweetie, he's your father and he loves you," You laughed, getting into the passenger side of the car. You watched as your husband locks the front door behind him, and jogs towards you both. He climbs into the car, putting the key in the ignition.

"What was that, (Y/S/N)?" He asked, his strong Welsh accent seemingly getting stronger with confusion

"He didn't want you to come after last time," You laughed, remembering last time.

"Why ever not, lad!" He laughed, looking at his son's face in the back seat

"I'll give you one guess," He pouted as the car started to reverse.

-time skip brought to you by Edward's man bun-

You walked into school, your son trailing behind. You walked down the corridors until you found the room. You were asked to go to a meeting with all of the other teachers and parents. Edward was going to go alone, but when free food is involved, you couldn't say no. You opened the door, the faces of numerous parents looking at you. You smiled and sat down by your son's friends mother. Edward took the seat next to you, getting a few looks from other mothers. He was a young, attractive guy, though, how could he not? You looked over the table, coming to the conclusion that the mothers had gone all out with their cooking, obviously trying to out-do each other. There were brownies, chocolate cake, flapjack, everything. 

"Karen." A very charming Indian accent said as it floated through the door. You looked up to see a young Indian man, with his wife following behind. He was holding the best-looking tray of brownies you had ever seen. 

"Is this the Infamous Mr. and Mrs. Green?" Edward mumbled into your ear, making you laugh. The Green couple had a reputation for baking the best food at PTA meetings. He placed the tray on the table and looked directly at the woman named Karen. His wife walked over and sat in the seat next to Edward and smiled at the pair of you.

"I'm so sorry about my husband, he's had it out for Karen for years now," She laughed, looking at her other half and shook her head. She had a rather strong English accent.

"It's okay, my wife would be the same," Edward laughed, looking back at you. You laughed and shook your head, watching Mr. Green walk over.

"Are you quite finished yet?" She looked up and laughed

"I think so, yes," He smiled, "Who are these two, Evie?" 

"I'm (Y/N), and this is Edward," You said, watching Mr. Green and Edward shake hands

"I'm Evie, and this is Henry," She looked back at Henry and motioned her hand towards him.

"Would anyone like some brownies?" Karen stood up and smiled, holding out her tray. No one answered and pretended to be busy. She sat back down, and took a slice.

"Would anybody like some of mine?" Henry stood up with his tray, offering everyone a piece. After a few seconds, there was only crumbs left. Karen looked over enviously, Henry smirked and looked away again.

"I don't even see what the big deal is with you, Mr. Green," Karen stood up and pointed a finger at him. Evie stood up, but Edward put a hand on her shoulder and pushed her back down again.

"I got this," He smirked, looking at Karen

"Edward, not again," You grabbed his hand, in turn giving you a smirk and started walking towards Karen

"What's he doing?" Henry asked, hearing the excitement in his voice

"What do you mean again?" Evie asked, getting worried

"Once he's set on something, there's no talking him out of it," You shook your head, getting your stuff ready to go

"Where are you going?" Henry asked, confused

"Oh, you'll see," You said, ready to move, "Must talk again some time,"

The three of you watched in horror. It was as if it went in slow motion.

"Who are you?" Karen asked, quite disgusted. Your son was now peering through the small glass window in the door, also ready to move if need be

"I don't like it when people insult my friends," He said, getting rather close. By now, every pair of eyes were on the two people, watching in anticipation.

"Well, I don't like it when people get awfully close to me," She retorted, backing up. Edward was reaching for her tray of brownies, "What are you doing?"

His hands grabbed the side of the tin. Then it happened.

He flipped Karen's 9x12 pan of Betty Crockers brownies.

You got up, nodding your head at your new friends, and running out of the door, Edward following behind, your son in front. 

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