Modern! Shay Cormac x Reader

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Hope you enjoy this one, after this I'll update my Shay fic too (give it a read if you haven't already I'm putting every single ounce of by being into it thankssss)

Sorry if there's any mistakes!!!!!!!!!

See you in the next chapter!

Important if you haven't seen already:

So I've been on some medication for my acne for about a month right now, and I've been experiencing some of the side effects (I'm not even joking there's a whole page of them, things like depression, loss of concentration, shit like that),,, I've been losing a SHIT TON of concentration, like this has taken me agES TO WRITE and shit. In school today, it took me 15 minutes to copy out a table for christ sake_._ So if it's alright with you guys, I'm probably going to take longer to update and stuff, some days I feel perfectly fine, other days I feel very aggressive (that's a side effect, dw), some days depressed, some days sick, and I'm getting headaches every day now, so please forgive me if I don't update for a while, I promise I don't mean it*.* 


You stepped out of the car, slamming the door behind you. You walked around to the front of the car to meet Shay. You intertwined hands and walked into the store. You had been begging him to come here for weeks now, always shooting you down with different excuses every time. This was the only time he would come here, so you wanted to make it worth the while.

"Why do we need to come here again?" He whined, swinging your hands to try and entertain himself

"We need things," You laughed, grabbing a cart and giving it to Shay to push. You walked around the store, looking for things that grabbed your attention. You were just about to walk past the candle section until Shay tapped you on the shoulder and pointed in the direction. You ran into the aisle, smelling all of the candles.

"Smell this one!" You shoved a candle under his nose, letting him smell it. You watched his face turn from amusement to disgust. He thrust the candle sway from him, making you put it back on the shelf

"It smells like bleach," He frowned, trying to look at the label to determine what it was supposed to smell like

"It was supposed to be lemon," You laughed, walking along the aisle with Shay following close behind. You walked out of the candle section, not wanting to submit your love to smelling more bleach. 

"WE NEED A BEDSPREAD!" You gasped, shuffling over towards the bed section. He laughed and ran after you, trying not to trip over the cart. There were displays of beds all around, so while you were looking, he sat down and watched you. You looked over and frowned, him replying with a wink.

"What?" He smirked, kicking the floor with his foot. You shook your head and carried on looking.

"Aren't you going to help?" You laughed, sifting through the various designs.

"Didn't know you wanted me to" He laughed, standing up and walking over;

"Which one do you want?" You asked, looking up at him.

"I want this one," He picked out a spread covered with ducks. You took it out of his hands and out back on the shelf.

"No, Shay!" You laughed, picking up another  one, "What about this?" It was black and white stripes, which would go pretty much perfectly with your room

"Nah love, I still prefer this one," He picked up the duck one again, shoving it in your hands. You hit it back in his chest, signifying that he was wrong

"This would go perfect, though!" You smile, nudging him with your elbow

"But I love ducks!" He laughed, putting it back to tour hands

"But this would g perfect!" You put the duck bedspread b ack and went to out yours in the cart when he stopped you. He stooped down to your level, getting closer and closer to your ear. 

"Ducks," He whispered, feeling his smirk amongst your hair. You hit him on the shoulder, gaining a laugh in response.

"No!," You said, walking back to the candle section with Shay right behind you, "Just for that, I'm going to buy the bleach candle!"

When you turned your back to look for the candle, Shay took the bedspread out of the cart and put his choice in their instead, turning it over so you couldn't see the design. As you turned around again, he laced his arms around your waist from behind, trying to make you less angry. You laughed as you tried to shuffle to the cart.

"Can we go now?" He begged, following behind

"Fine!" You said, walking to the checkout. You started putting things on the conveyor belt, letting the cashier scan them. You walked to the end and started packing the bags. The bedspread came down the belt and settled in front of you. You picked it up, seeing the front. You looked up at Shay, who was covering hs face with his hands and laughing. 

"What happened to mine?" You asked, putting it into the bag

"I didn't  like it!" He came around to your side, helping you out things to the bags. Once you were done, you took the bags and walked to your car.

"I can't believe you actually bought it," AShay laughed, putting the bags into the boot with you stood next to him.

"I can; 't believe you actually want a duck bed," You sighed, feeling his lips against your cheek.

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