Modern! Jacob Frye x Reader

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lol sorry I didn't do anything yesterday, I had a cold but iM FINE NOW WOO

My mum literally just told me she has a crush on Henry Green r.i.p me

Don't forget to request stuff thankssss

swearing warning okay:)))


You walked back out of the kitchen with two steaming cups of tea into the living room where you and Jacob were trying to decorate. You had just moved out of your old house, wanting more space. You walked through the doorway into the unfinished room. The paint was everywhere, all over the furniture (luckily there were protective covers) and each other. Jacob had some paint on his nose, your arms were covered, it was a mess. In the middle of the bare room was a box of fairy lights. You had begged him to let you buy them for months now, he thought they were too girly, but you're a woman, you always get your way. You padded over to the box, put down the tea, and picked up the box.

"Need some help with that, love?" He smirked, taking the box from your hands

"I've got it!" You laughed, snatching it back out of his hands, "You've got a little paint there," 

"Ah, let me wash it off," He said, looking into the mirror behind him, then turned around and drank some of your tea.

"Oi!" You shouted, threatening to pour the white paint into his drink.

After he left to wash the paint off, you opened the box of fairy lights, instantly in awe. You took the lights out of the box and threw the instructions behind your back. The lights were in the shape of butterflies, the wires were a pure white. You untied the wire keeping everything together and started to untangle it all.

-10 minutes later-

"Hey I'm back, did you know that p- Y/N?" He started to laugh at your slouching form, which happened to be tangled up in all the wires.

"Don't fucking laugh you twat, help me!" You yelled, thrashing around in the deathtrap that was fairy lights

"Ok ok ok, hold still," He giggled and started to untangle you

After 5 minutes of uneventful untangling, you started yelling.

"Get me out of this fucking thing!"

"I swear to god I will SUE  this dead ass company!"


"Y/N HOLD STILL!" Jacob started to laugh again


"IT'S BEEN 15 MINUTES AND I'M TRYING TO HELP YOU AND ALL YOU'RE DOING IS YELLING AT ME AND NOT HELPING!" He started to laugh even harder, "What if I switched this on?"

"JACOB DON'T YOU BLOODY DARE!" You shouted while watching him plug in the lights

"Ahh, this is adorable. One for the Christmas cards this year?" He smiled, taking a picture. You were slumped over and pouting wrapped up in fairy lights.

"Jacob just get me out," You gave up yelling, and started throwing all of the wires around you, which seemed to be doing something.

"Here we go!" He laughs, pulling a wire over your head, letting you free.

"Fuck you," You shove his shoulder, seeing that he had tagged you in the photo he had taken of you on Facebook

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