Modern! Haytham Kenway x Reader

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This was requested by @tokyouuuu, sorry if it wasn't how you imagined,,,, but enjoy anyway hehhhh:'''')

To not make it really awkward, I made Haytham a tad younger so it wasn't a massive age gap [that shit scares me okay :'))))]

I've just realised how many mistakes my fics have I'm so sorry omg I never realise,,

Thanks for all the support on my new Shay fic [CHECK IT OUT IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY], I wasn't expecting it to get many votes tbhhhh, but anyway thanks for everything:)))

[i never know how to end these omfg]

(Y/F/N) - Your friends name


You walked to class, clutching your books to your chest. Your friends were chatting about something, but you blocked it out. You felt a rather large shove on your shoulder, snapping you out of your thoughts. You looked to your side, seeing your friends wiggling their eyebrows and laughing.

"What?" You asked, looking around nervously

"Didn't you say you had a massive crush on Mr. Kenway?" (Y/F/N) giggled, raising her eyebrows

"Well, who doesn't?" You fretted, worrying if someone overheard your conversation

"Exactly," (Y/F/N) smiled, "I think it could work, he's only like what, 20?"

"We're still 17," You looked at them dead in the eye, not believing what she had just said

"So? Who doesn't like an older man," They nudged you with their elbow, walking into class.

"Shut  up, people can hear us, (Y/F/N)!" You hissed, taking your seat. You put all of your books onto the table, not wanting to meet their eyes or your teachers. 

Your teacher, Mr. Kenway, was perfect. His grey eyes always sparkled when he spoke about something he loved, and his hair was aways in a small ponytail, tied with a ribbon. It wouldn't be so bad if only a few people thought he was attractive, but that wasn't the case. Everyone else in your class thought the same way. The worst thing is, they didn't even try to hide it. You've seen girls start panicking the lesson before, pulling up their skirt higher, pulling their shit down lower - you've even seen someone stuff socks into their bra before. The funny thing is that he never speaks to those girls, only the more intellectual ones were who he paid attention to. You've built up quite a bond with him, trusting him with every one of your problems and feelings, apart from your feelings for him. 


"Alright, you two?"  He strutted over, leaning down to see what you've written down. He bent down and stood on his knees, now at your height. He looked over at you and smiled slightly.

"We're good," (Y/F/N) smiled, wanting to pick up the conversation

"What's with those girl's shirts over there," He said, nodding his head back towards the others, "I swear their skirts get higher and their shirts get lower every time I see them,"

"Not trying to be rude, but you are one of those teachers that everyone has a crush on," You laughed, looking at him

"Really? I never noticed," He laughed, his British accent seemed to get heavier with sarcasm

"Aren't  you supposed to be helping us, not bitching with us?" (Y/F/N) laughed

"Ah, right! Sometimes I forget my job," He laughed, sarcasm dripping from his words "So, do you understand?"

"Sort of," You said, looking back down at your work

"Why don't you come back here at break? I can help you then as well," He said, standing up and straightening his back.

"See you then, then!" You smiled, getting up as the bell went.


You walked into your teacher's classroom, eager to spend more time with him. He was stood at his desk, facing away from you. You had entered unheard, your brain hatching an idea. You crept up to where he was stood, and hit his shoulders, scaring him. He turned around, a look of pure fright on his face. 

"(Y/N)! You almost made me scream!" He laughed, shifting his weight on his feet

"That's what I aim to do to people," You laughed, joining in. You looked up at him, the laughter ceasing.

"You like making people scream, do you?" He asked, winking and smirking at you. 

"Not like that, sir," You laughed nervously, mentally cursing your awkwardness

"Please, call me Haytham, sweetie," He smirked, edging ever so slightly closer to you.

"So, where's this help I'm supposed to be getting, then?" You stepped forward too, the pair of you now closer than normal. 

"Right here," He said, taking a piece of paper out of his pocket. You looked at it, realising it was his number, you stuffed it back into your pocket. You felt a blush rise to your cheeks, which just made Haytham smirk more

"Sweetie, you look adorable," He smirked, "Now get going, everyone will be wondering," 

You turned around to go, when he grabbed your arm, and planted a sweet kiss to your forehead. 

"Call me," He winked, turning back to his desk.

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