Modern! Arno Dorian x Reader

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yo yo yo sorry I haven't updated much, I'm trying to revise for my GCSE's lmao but I wanna write so enjoy this (not that you will hah)

(lmao this is shit im sorry i gotta write for you guys or you'll all hate me more than you already do)


You found your seat on the plane and sat down, trying to organise your carry-on luggage. Your headphone wires were tangled around your feet, you could feel the book in your hands creasing with every passing moment.  You threw the books on the free seat next to you, giving up entirely. You hoped no one would sit next to you as the effort required to pick everything back up was immense. You dropped back onto your chair, taking a breath in and closing your eyes. Opening them back up again, you focused your attention on the wires dangling from your phone. You lifted your foot up and unwrapped them, then concentrating on the smaller knots in them. 

Some time must've passed, you thought, as you looked up and saw a rather amused face looking your way. Glaring at him, he covered his mouth with his hand and started giggling. Turning your attention back to your headphones, your fingers frantically started to tug at the cable in a desperate attempt to untangle yourself from the deathtraps. 

"Having a little trouble?" You looked up to see the man who was laughing at you previously.

"Nope, definitely not. I can do it," You tugged at the wires a little more frantically now, trying to hide the fact that you were incapable of doing it yourself. You felt him take your luggage from the seat next to you and sat down, watching you intently. Feeling his stare on your struggling fingers, you looked up and glared at him.

"Do you mind?" You ask, narrowing your eyes at the stranger, your hands still trying to untangle yourself.

"No," He shook his head, a gentle smile forming on his lips, "I hate seeing someone struggle, is all,"

"I'll have you know I'm not struggling, in fact, I've almost untangled myself," 

"Is that so?" He glanced down at your feet and looked back to you, laughing slightly.

"What's so funny?"


"Well there's obviously something cracking you up,"

"I'm Arno," Interrupting the conversation, or argument, he held out his hand out for you to shake. You took it, but rather hesitantly.

"(Y/N)," You let go of his hand, an awkward smile plastered on your face. He was pretty handsome, you weren't going to lie to yourself. You felt quite lucky to be sat next to him, and not the emo the seat behind (a/n: guys it's chill im emo im allowed to make jokes lmao).

"We'll be sat by each other for a good few hours, we may as well make peace," He chuckled, you returning to your headphones, which were becoming looser, as luck would have it. "Coming off, I see,"

You looked back up at him and gave a small smile, "Thank God,"

*a few hours later*

The headphones were long gone from your foot, and so was the plane from the ground. It was about the middle of the flight, everyone was either asleep or immersed in whatever they were doing. You unlocked your phone and was just about to do something when you felt a weight slowly fall onto your shoulder. Turning your head slightly to inspect what it was, you found a sleeping Arno on your shoulder. He looked rather peaceful and didn't want to wake him. Normally, if a random stranger fell asleep on your shoulder, you would probably start crying. However, it's Arno. And he's cute. So it's okay. Instead of carrying on with what you were doing, you rested your head atop of his and fell asleep.

*another time skip - sue me*

Opening one eye, you looked around to see that Arno was very intently playing a game on his phone. You closed your eyes again and tried to get back to sleep. That was until you realised that you were now fully supporting yourself on Arno's shoulder. You shot back, almost banging your head on the wall. 

"It's fine," He giggled lightly at seeing you panicking.

"You fell asleep on me first, anyway," You gave an awkward laugh, and settled down to sleep again.

"Wait, what?" Arno snapped, obviously not remembering anything

"Oh, it's true, I wish I got a picture now," You grinned, looking down at your feet

"That did not happen," He refused, moving his head back and forth

"Fine, don't believe me then, ponytail," You reached behind his head and tugged his ponytail a few times.

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