Modern! Shay Cormac x Reader

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woah I really need to stop doing one-shots with Shay, Jacob or Arno for Christ sake:')))))

so I'm doing this based off a song, but obviously Shay isn't a girl so it can't be a lesbian love story - but don't get me wrong I have nothing against people in the lgbt+ community, I'm in it myself (i'm asexual ayO)

Thank you guys!


*I'm missing out the questionable part bc I really hate sex and stuff sORRY*


You were cleaning down the table from where the last patrons sat, making huge messes in their drunken state. You picked up the half empty glasses and put them on a tray to clean. You walked over to the hatch that led to the kitchen and put the tray on the window sill, straightening out the small pinafore that hung around your form. You took a glass from the tray and a rag safely resting in the front of your dress and started to clean a glass, looking around the place. The room was as nice as it could be, multicolored lights glistening in the smoke of the cigarette being puffed, the wooden interior looking ages. Your eyes met your boss behind the bar, smirking at you with a knowing look. Your eyes shot back to the glass in your hands, trying to mentally prepare yourself for what was to follow. 

Then he walked in. With his hair in a tight ponytail, not a stray hair out of place and a solemn look on his face, he strutted past the drunkards. Your head shot around, your eyes meeting his. A smirk formed on his face, giving you a small amount of reassurance, making you smile and look back to your spot. He walked up to the counter, slamming his hands on the table. A shot was placed on the table, which in a matter of seconds was down his throat, no wincing because of the awful taste. You reached into your pinafore, where a gun was hiding, ready to make an appearance. He threw the shot glass at the bottle behind the bar, which was resting on a cupboard, making the bartender duck for his safety. People looked up from their places, eager to see what was going on, you taking your gun out of it's hiding place with a smirk. He took the gun from his pocket and jumped up onto the bar, aiming the barrel at the man. You spun around and pointed your gun forwards. You skipped towards the patrons on the floor with their hands behind their heads in mercy. 

"Put it in!" He yelled, you grabbing a bag and placing it in front of the bartender. He started frantically shoving the money in the bag, you and your "colleague" aiming your guns all over the place. After all the money was gone, he put his hand on your shoulders and led the both of you outside, not stopping for a second.

He put the key in the ignition and sped away, you kissing him everywhere in the joy of the moment. He started laughing, speeding up the car. You both drove for miles in the frosty weather, taking shelter from the harsh temperatures in your car. You both stormed another few banks on the way, taking anything and everything you could get your hands on.

You both pulled over, tired from the many miles you had driven. You both stepped out of the car onto the white ground, a shiver speeding down your spine. You walked up to the edge of the road, overlooking the scenery. He slithered next to you, slipping his hand in yours. You stood like that for a while, feeling calm in each other's presence. 

You both strutted into the town bank hand in hand, trying your best to not look so suspicious. There was still snow on the ground, but it had let up a bit. The air was cold, cold enough so you could just see your icy breath swirl into the atmosphere. There was always a stray person on the side of the roads, this one just happened to be sat on a bollard taking long gulps of his whiskey in a brown paper bag. No doubt he had just bought this from the corner shop down the road, and in his haste to drink it, he didn't take it out of the bag. You pushed open the green doors, pulling out your guns and pointing it at the patrons. They slipped off of the seats they were sat on and kneeled down, putting their hands behind their heads in an attempt to bring no harm. He shot his gun, making them lie down onto the floor. While you climbed upon the table to survey the surroundings, he marched over towards the banker, throwing the bag to his left while doing so. The shotgun was pressed to the banker, then dragged across the table. You took both pistols out, pointing it in everyone's direction to keep them in check. He shoved the banker across the room to the till, making him put the money in the bag at gun point. You looked down to see your lover smiling up at you. He grabbed a handful of money and threw  it at you, making the green paper spill down like confetti. He climbed up onto the table, throwing more money in the air with wide smiles on your faces. You both shared a stare, until he leant in, wanting to start the first move. You leant in, meeting him in the middle. His hands roamed up to your face, deepening the kiss. The patrons, wondering why it had gone silent, looked up in confusion to see the two bandits kissing on the table. The sound of police cars interrupted the kiss, making the pair of you collect all the money you could. You frantically stuffed the money in bags, your clothes, anything, and ran out of the door.

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