Modern! Jacob Frye x Reader

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I'm really sorry I haven't updated in so long, I planned to stop for a tiny bit because I kept loosing concentration (this took me 3 hours to write mind), then my anxiety started acting up (feeling claustrophobic oUTSIDE fuckin hell), then it was Easter, then it was my birthday (a few days ago actually), and now here we are. My concentration is still wavering between fucking dumb and bearable, so I might update every 2 or 3 weeks. I'd rather write not often and it's decent then update every day and it be shit, know what I mean?

Thanks for not losing faith in me woO:)))

omg sorry I had no idea there were that many mistakes in this when I first read it shiT


"Jacob, do we have to go to Freddy's party?" You whined, rolling your eyes at your best friend. He was stood in front of the mirror admiring his outfit, and you were sat on the bed behind watching him preen his self. 

"Yes we do, Evie and Henry's gonna be there too, it'll be fine," He laughed as he turned back around to face you. 

"Oh great, I'll be a third wheel," You laugh, pushing yourself up from the bed. 

"My sister and Henry are dating?" He asked, sifting through his many piles of shit for something.

"Well, not yet. But they will be," You laugh, trying to peer over his shoulder to see what he was doing.

"Why? Are you going to set them up or something?" He laughed, throwing things about to find what he was looking for.

"No, but Freddy will. When he's drunk, at least," You snigger, remembering what happened last year. Arno and Elise were in the country, so Freddy invited them. At that point, they weren't dating. Within two hours from when the party started, Freddy was absolutely mortal and spent probably the whole night trying to set them up. 

"Ah, yeah, who did he try to set up last year? That French couple I can't remember the names of," He stopped combing through his drawers to look at you to remember. He closed his eyes and snapped his fingers as if the answer would appear from the air.

"Arno and Elise?" You giggle, looking at his expression. His eyes shot open as he snapped his fingers once again.

"That's what it was!" He shouted, then returned to investigating the contents of his dresser.

"What are you looking for?" You grinned, resting your head on his shoulder. 

"Trying to find my watch, don't suppose you've seen it have you?" He inquired, his hands frantically searching his mess of a room.

"No, I don't think I ha-" You trailed off, a silver glint catching your eye. You took your head off his shoulder and bent down to  the floor. You cleared a small area from under the bed and found the watch he was looking for. You picked it up and placed it in his hand, a triumphant smirk plastered across your face.

"How did you find that?" He asked, putting it on his wrist

"Maybe if you cleaned your room a little more often, you would find things easier," You said, kicking a stray pile of paper with the toe of your shoe, "What's the time?"

"Time for us to leave, come on!" He grabbed your arm and dragged you out of his room


"Ah, there they are!" Evie said from behind the both of you

"Dearest sister, how I've missed you!" He cooed, sarcastically of course

"Late again, I see," Evie smiled, enjoying being right, again

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