Modern! Arno Dorian x Reader

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I'm doing a lot of shitty modern ones lately, so I gotta chill tbhhhhh.

I'm still thinking of making my Shay fic [the one where you think he dies and you turn into a Templar and you see him again and shit, yeah that one.] into a full length, but obviously more detail and stuff, so tell me your thoughts on that shit plssss

--Long one 1043 words soz--


*My Love


I woke up, my mind still fuzzy from sleep. The last remnants of my dream being chased away by the realisation that I'm awake again. I can only assume it was a nice dream, but the details were fading fast as I try to recall them. With a mental sigh, I allow my brain to focus and cautiously open one eye. The bright sunlight peeking through the drew curtains cast a sunny shape on the walls. I instantly recoil into Arno's neck, trying desperately to block out the idea of getting up. He snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me closer, obviously feeling the same as me.

"Please tell me we don't have to leave the bed today?" You mumbled into his neck, making him chuckle slightly

"I don't count on it, mon amour*," He shook his head, and reached for his phone on the table next to us. He unlocked it and started aimlessly scrolling through.

You pulled the blanket up further, not wanting to move. You reached for your phone too and started to scroll. Your phone pinged, signifying you had a message. You opened your messages, and upon seeing the messsage you had just recieved, it put you into a state of panic.

"Oh shit!" You cursed, flinging yourself out of Arno's grasp

"What?" He sat up to reach your level, peering over your shoulder to see what had alarmed you.

"It's Élise's birthday, her party's later on," You looked at him, who looked at your phone and sighed.

"I'm guessing you don't want to go?"

"Not really,"

"I can't go alone, Arno!"

"Well then don't go," He laughed into the back of my neck

"Your coming," You drag yourself out of bed, peeling back the covers and standing up. You look back at your now pouting boyfriend, hair all over the place. You grab his hand and start to pull him out of bed.

"I thought you said you didn't want to leave the bed," He said, not budging from his spot

"I'm not leaving Èlise on her birthday because of you," You shook your head, still trying to pull him up.

-time skip lmaoooo-

You both walked into the entrance of the mall hand in hand, starting to look for Èlise's present.

"Is there something in there for her?" He asked, gesturing your tangled hands towards the shop in front

"Arno, this is the seventh time you've asked!" You laughed, walking on. You walked past numerous shops, looking in all of the windows, until you come across a perfume store.

"This'll be perfect for her!" You look at the store, instantly dragging Arno inside. You walked towards the numerous perfumes, your boyfriend already coughing and spluttering behind you.

"Y/N, you know I hate perfume," He whined, wrinkling his nose at the scent of one you made him smell

"Come on, at least help me with this!" You smile up at him, hoping your wide eyes and toothy smile would convince him.

He looked back down and you and kissed your cheek, "Just for you, mon amour,"

You both looked at the perfumes, smelling one, then making the other smell it for their input. You thought your nose was just about to start bleeding with all the smelling when Arno bought your attention to one.

"What about this one?" He picked it up, showing you the bottle. Across the bottle, it said "Potage", and you being hopeless in French, you had to ask.

"What does that mean?" You pointed to the French sprawled over the bottle.

"It means pampering, my dear (Y/N)," He looked at you, and joined your hands together once again.

"Let's buy it then," you grab the box and walk over to pay for it


"Did you bring the perfume?" You asked Arno just before getting out of the car to go to the party

"It's in the bag, mon amour," He reached into the back seat and retrieved the bag, planting a sweet kiss on your lips before getting out of the car. He walked around the side of the car, joining your hands together while walking to Èlise's front door. You were just about to knock when the door swung open and were engulfed into a pair of arms. You pulled away to see Èlise's fiery red hair and excited smile.

"It's so good to see you, (Y/N)!" She looked behind you to see Arno laughing to himself at your shock, "You too Arno!"

You both walked in, immediately greeted by the rest of your friends. You remembered the small bag Arno was holding for you, instantly telling your friend.

"We bought you something, by the way," You said, motioning for Arno to give her the bag.

"You didn't have to!" She smiled, taking out the box and opening it. As soon as she saw the bottle, both her and Arno started laughing.

"What?" You turned around to see Arno holding onto the arm of the nearby sofa to stable himself.

"Potage means soup, dear," Èlise said in between fits of giggles

"You bloody liar!" You turned around to see Arno now fully bent double on the floor

"Your the one who believed me (Y/N)" He said after he had calmed down, wiping a rogue tear from his face after his laughing fit only a few moments before

"You're totally giving me the money for that," You shake your head, sitting next to him. He loosely wrapped his arm around your waist, kissing your temple.

"Get a room you two," Èlise laughed, winking at the both of you

"With some potage," Arno started to laugh into your hair again.

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