Modern! Arno Dorian x Reader

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ayy another update^.^

so I finished my lil Shay story, you might wanna check it out tbh I'm quite pleased with how it turned out!

can we talk about the like 9k people who've read this, though? It's amazing, thank you so much!

sorry I never update, im trying as hard as I can:))))


You turned your head to the side, looking at your surroundings. You glanced at your phone again, checking the time. He said he'd be here by nine. Your nervous hands started to play at the crisp napkin on the table in front. You craned your neck again, looking around for someone you recognised. Your leg started to bounce in irritation, thinking he stood you up. The presence of another human across from you told you otherwise.

"Sorry I'm late, things got in the way," He dropped onto the chair in front of you, looking at his phone. He then put it back into his pocket and looked up at you.

"It's fine," You sighed, closing your eyes for a brief moment to try and grasp some sanity.

"What was your name again?" He asked, a slight furrow in his brow


"Ah, I'm Briar. Where's the food anyway?" He complained, his attention span lasting a mere two seconds. He stuck his hand up in the air to call over a waiter. One poor man walked over, dragging a tired hand through his somewhat dishevelled ponytail.

"What will it be, Monsieur?" He asked, letting out a small sigh

"Where are the menus, may I ask?" Briar breathed, looking around as if to find a better waiter. He walked away, to return seconds later with two rather large menus in his hands. He placed them on the table with a gentle hand, then walked away. Briar picked up a menu, his eyes scanning the page.

"What will it be, love?" He asked, looking up from his menu and smirking. You could already tell this wasn't going to end well.

"I'll have what you're having," You almost hissed, placing the menu down.

"You got it," He put his hand up in the air again, signalling the same waiter again

"Made a decision?" The waiter asked, his French accent bringing out the agitation in his voice.

"We'll have two of... Those," Briar pointed to an item on the menu.

"Ratatouille?" The waiter asked, looking dumbfounded by the lack of intelligence from Briar.

"That's it," Briar leant closer, squinting his eyes to read his nametag "Arno,"

"Coming right up," Arno huffed, taking the menus from the table while doing so.

"So," Briar turned his attention back to you, "Can I get your number now?"

"We'll see how the night plays out," You shake your head, watching others eat their food.

"Why don't you just give me your number now, and it'll save you the time later," He persisted.

"Again, we'll see," You huffed, counting to ten in your head.

"Fine," He sunk into the back of his chair, not impressed.

"Two Ratatouille," Arno placed the bowls down onto the table, "Any drinks?"

"Me and the bird will have wine," Briar smirked, winking as he met your eye

"As you wish," He sighed

"In fact, bring the whole bottle," Briar stopped Arno just before he left.

Arno looked back at you and shook his head, "I'm sorry," He mouthed, trying to make you laugh. You giggled into the palm of your hand, Arno's frown turned into a smirk.

"I need to go to the toilet," Briar stood up and walked over to the toilets, leaving you alone. You reached into your pocket to get out your phone when a small tap on the shoulder stop.

"Why don't you leave him?" Arno's amused face towered above you, questioning you

"I don't know," You laugh, "Free food?"

"I suppose so," Arno laughed with you, "Though if he tries anything, let me know,"

"I will," You nod, looking over towards the toilets, "You better go,"

Arno made a swift exit, staying a close distance from your table.

"My ex just texted me," Briar sat down, laughing at his phone

"What did they say?" You asked, remembering the free food you'll be getting

"Well, I can't show you," He winked, stuffing his phone into his pockets. Your mouth fell open, realising what he had done.

You looked around the walls, taking in the fancy decoration. Your eyes skimmed across a rather large open window, an instant idea popping into your head. You jogged over towards the stalls and checked if they were empty. After realising you were alone, you hoisted yourself up onto the counter. Your hands grabbed the window sill and pushed your body up. Half your body was inside, the other was outside. You shuffled your body forward in a desperate attempt to escape. The sound of the restaurants back door opening made you stop in your tracks. Footsteps came closer until the source of them were right underneath you.

 "So I got worried when you weren't out for a few minutes, I come out and what do I see? You hanging from the window," Arno laughed

"Just help me down, we can laugh later," You outstretched your arms like a small child. He grabbed your arms and pulled you out from your awkward position. You felt your feet leave the ground for a few seconds until they were planted on the floor again.

"Next time, tell me and I'll get you out of there," He chuckled. He was rather hesitant to remove his grip on your arms.

"Next time, huh?" You snigger, elbowing him in the ribs

"Yes, next time," He looked down and you and elbowed you back, "Let me take you home,"

"How do I know that your not a weirdo?" You questioned

"I just saw you climbing out of a window," Arno gave a breathy laugh, leading you to his car.

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