Jacob Frye x Reader

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literally all my fics are about either Jacob, Shay or Arno i need to fucking stop lmao

(short + terrible one tbh)


You walked into the main cart of the train to find Jacob stood over the stove, frantically stirring things into a bowl. 

"Jacob, what are you doing?" You asked, trying to peek over his shoulder. It was fairly easy, to be honest, he wasn't the tallest man.

"Shh! Don't look!" He covered his creation with his arms, shielding it from your eyes

"Is it for me?" You asked, backing away slightly so he wouldn't accidentally burn his arms

"Of course!" He backed away from the stove and opened his arms, "Who else would it be for?"

Your mouth upturned into a rather forced smile, "Oh, thank you!"

"Just sit down," He fussed over you, sitting you down on one of the sofas, "Let me do everything,"

You sat and watched him struggle with cooking - whatever he was trying to cook. He tried to cook for Evie and Henry before, which ended up as a disaster. He managed to burn just about everything, which was definitely a triumph in its own way. 

"This will probably be the best thing you've ever eaten," He turned around and gloated to you, crossing his arms over his chest and smirking.

"Oh, really?" You looked at the grin plastered on his face, doubting every word he said, "Remeber when you tried to cook for Henry and Evie?"

The smirk on his face was wiped off instantly, "Well, you see, that was a small accident. That was completely out of my control and you know it,"

"Oh, like what's going on now?" You nodded your head towards his now burning 'work of art'.

He turned around and took the pan off the heat, mumbling curses under his breath. He poured the contents of the pot onto a plate and spent a good few minutes arranging it.

"Are you quite finished yet?" You watched him fiddle around with the food on the plate

"Almost," He looked behind his shoulder, "You can't rush perfection,"

"Fine, then," You looked at the carpeted floor, "But it's going to go cold,"

"Oh dear, wouldn't want that, would we?" He sniggered, bringing a plate over to you and placing it on your lap, "Ta-da!"

You looked up to him to see a golden smile on his face, his arms above his head. You looked down to see a rather burned mess on a plate.

"It looks," You stopped in the middle of your sentence to think how to word it, "Nice,"

"Eat some!" He handed you a knife and fork, waiting for you to eat some.

You took a fork and gently pierced what looked like a carrot. You picked it up and placed it in your mouth, trying not to let a grimace show.

"How is it?" He asked, still smiling as big as before

"It's... good," You smiled up at him, not want to hurt his feelings.

"Thank you!" He gently bent down and squeezed your shoulders, "I'll leave you to it!" 

You watched him skip out of the cart before you tried to stomach the rest.

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