Connor Kenway x Reader

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yo yo yo 

I think I'm feeling a little better, so I decided to try to write 

Thanks for the support and stuff though guys, I really mean it^.^

Don't forget to request things:))))


It was always freezing in winter here. The trees were frosted still, the buildings caked in the fluffy snow. Achilles had sent you and Connor both to try to hunt for food though you couldn't understand why there would be any game out here in these temperatures. You and Connor walked in a comfortable silence to the Frontier, the only sound was two pairs of feet crunching on the packed snow path. The biting air nipped at your nose, making you bring up your hands to warm it up. Everyone was probably in their houses, drinking something hot in front of their fires. But not you. You bought your cupped hands to your mouth, and blew your hot breath into them, trying anything to create a small sensation of warmth. You looked up to the tall figure next to you, watching his icy breath float into the air. He was very much taller than you, but then again, he was very much taller than everyone. 

You shuffled into the Frontier, still extremely cold. You were just about to walk on ahead to stay warm when Connor grabbed your elbow.

"Shh," He swiftly grabs his bow and arrow from his back and pointing it at a hare. Its small frame turned towards the both of you, then bounded away. Connor sighed, putting the bow back around his torso.

"We will never get anything at this rate," He looks on ahead, eyes scanning the white horizon.

"Why don't we just go back, there's probably not going to be anything here, it's Winter," You shook, vigorously rubbing the top of your arms to create friction.

"He will not be happy,"

"It's impossible to find anything at this temperature," You looked up at him, biting your bottom lip.

"Fine," His facial features relaxed, looking back at you.

You both started walking back to the Homestead, rubbing your hands together to retain what little heat you had left. Connor looked down at you, his face riddled with what seemed to be either confusion or amusement, which was rare.

"Are you cold?" He asks, stopping both of you


"Here," He takes off one of his worn gloves and passes it to you. You slipped it onto one of your hands, but to your dismay, his hands were a lot bigger than yours. You looked back up at him to thank him, when he was looking down at your hands being engulfed with his bear-sized glove and chuckling slightly.

"What? It's not my fault that you're the human embodiment of a bare!" You laugh back

"Here, give me your other hand," He takes your gloveless hand in his, and the two of you start walking again, hands swaying in time with your steps.

"Better?" He asks after a while

"Of course," You smile as you  retreat into his side, making him share his warmth with you.

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