Connor Kenway x Reader

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This is for Fryedays, I hope you enjoy it^.^

again, I'm really sorry if it's pretty bad, sometimes writing is pretty hard for me.

don't forget to request shit thankssss


You were an assassin. And a good one at that. Achilles had brought you under his wing not long after Connor had started training, so naturally, you two had a strong friendship. But it was obvious that you two had some sort of attraction to each other, but you two were as stubborn as the other, so you never admitted it. You and Connor were in the middle of the Frontier, trying to rid it of the red coat presence.

"I suggest we go our separate ways, we can cover more ground that way," He said, after a while of silence

"I suppose so," I said, looking out towards the distance

"I shall meet you back here in an hour," He said, motioning to the general store by the side of us,

"What if I get lost?" You say. Even though you were a pretty good killer, you couldn't find your way out of a paper bag, if asked.

"Don't," He laughed slightly, already walking away

You start walking in the opposite direction of Connor, on the lookout for the red devils. 


After about half an hour of walking in what seemed like circles, you finally heard some footsteps. You readied your sword, twirling it in your hands. The footsteps lead to a brute, who looked particularly angry. You decided to sneak up from behind him, hiding in the bushes. When he was just in front of you, you took a swing, but your hand came into contact with his hand, catching you in your tracks.

"Gotta try 'arder then that love," He sneered. You kicked him in the groin, his grip on your hand releasing ever so slightly. You were just about to bring your blade to his head to finish him when he stood back up.

"Quite surprised that a woman as big as yourself could hit that 'ard," He laughed, pushing you up against a tree. You were trashing in his grip, but it was no use. He slowly emerged a pistol out of its holster ad bought it to your head.

"Say goodnight," He smirked. You closed your eyes and braced for the inevitable, but it never happened. You opened one eye to see Connor stood where the guard was. You looked at your feet to see the corpse strewn on the floor.

"He did not hurt you, did he?" Connor fretted, checking you all over for cuts or bruises

"No, I'm fine," You said, shaking him off

"He should not have spoken to you that way," 

"Thank you," You threw yourself into his unsuspecting arms, but returned the gesture anyway. 

"You didn't have to do that," You said after pulling away

"I wanted to," 


"You mean it was not obvious?"

"What wasn't?"

"I care about you," He scratched the back of his neck, a slight redness playing at his cheeks

"You're right, it was totally obvious," You laughed, putting your hand in his, and walking away together.

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