Modern! Edward Kenway x Reader

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yo yo yo sorry I haven't updated in a few days I couldn't think of anything oopsssss, but we're almost at 1k reads wtf? It's already gotten more reads than my last book (not surprised really tbh) 

Thanks for everythinggggg

Sorry your hair has to be brown in this if it's not,,, but hey nothing's wrong with brown right?

short again, sorry [and p shit soRRRYYYYY]


It was 2 in the morning, you nor Edward could sleep. You were both sat  on the sofa, the TV playing in the background. Nights like these were common now, sitting up until the ungodly hours of the morning, finally feeling the sweet relief of sleep when most people would be getting up.  Those hours spent waiting for sleep were filled with conversations of all sorts - some serious, some not. He had is arm around you, your head against his chest. You were both staring at the TV, not paying any attention at what was happening.

"What colour do you think our baby's hair would be?" He broke the silence between you

"Brown," You said, still staring at the TV. Your hair was a deep brown colour, while Edwards was a rather beautiful blonde.

"Why not blonde?" He laughed, pulling away from you for a short while.

"Well I would be the Mother, it's probably going to be like mine,"

"Well I would be the Father, it must have something of me!"

"It may have your anything, it doesn't have to be your hair colour!"

"It doesn't have to be yours either though!" You looked up at him, and hit him on the arm

"Got something against blondes, 'ave you?"

"Got something against brunettes, 'ave you?" You mimicked his accent, hoping that would let you win the argument

"The real question is, what colour eyes would they have?" Edward looked ahead in deep thought.

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