preferences maybe?? ??? ?

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ayo so im thinking of starting doing preferences like then everyone will be happy (ish) because their fav will most likely be there? plus i get really annoyed reading preferences where it has altair & ezio & connor & edward, then they completely miss out shay, and go on to arno & the frye twins like exuse me?? shay is important t o o

so yeah tell me if that's something you guys want cuz i dont wanna start doing this as well and be really hyped about it and it turns out none of you wanted this like;;; plus ill probably be doing the normal assassin x reader as well so you're technically getting like,, double the fic tbh lmao 

btw if you still havent followed my tumblrs:

jamiehewl (music)

duleepsingh (assassins creed but i dont post my fics on there lmao)

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