Modern! Jacob Frye x Reader

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You stepped out of your car onto the gravel path leading to the front door of your workplace. You worked in an office, stuffed into a tiny booth with only a computer and a small desk fan, that only worked if you pressed the button down so it stuck into it's frame, to fit your needs. You pressed your hand against the glass door, leaving a sweaty handprint in your wake, and walked through. You nodded at Sharon the Receptionist, her giving you a toothy smile while filing her nails. You half-walked-half-jogged up the stairs to your floor, you were in no rush to get there. You butted shoulders with a few co-workers that worked a floor up from you, giving an awkward nod of the head and that uncomfortable exhale-from-the-nose laugh. 

You pushed down on the rather clammy door handle of your work room, opening it up to a room of 26 pairs of eyes all on you. Your head travelled to a rather interesting spot on the floor as your legs started to move faster than you were moving before. You headed to your desk and threw yourself down on the tatty swivel chair - you would rather not dwell on the number of other people who sat in that chair before you. You dropped your bag on the floor, rolling your shoulders to at least get on an ounce of relaxation until the inevitable pile of work came your way. Taking your phone out of your pocket, you placed it on the very small area of desk in front, triple checking that the "silence" switch was on - you couldn't risk any unwanted attention your way.

You rested your wrists on the desk and pulled out the keyboard ready to start typing when a small vibration started to travel across the cheap plastic workspace. Grabbing an edge of you phone, you slowly upturned it, revealing a few messages from your boyfriend, Jacob. To cut to the chase, he was a massive meme. So were you, of course, who isn't, but not in work. Unlocking the phone with a sigh, you braved yourself with the worst. Your messages were filled with every type of meme possible, you didn't even know that that many even existed. With a shake of your head, you locked your phone and began working again.

10 minutes later, your phone started reverberating again, and this time, it wouldn't stop. Message after message was coming through, all from Jacob and his memes. You slid your finger across the screen once again, but this time, you told him to "shut the fuck up, I'm trying to work, not that you would know what work even is,". After that, you waited a minute before going back to your work, making sure that he wouldn't send anything else. 



sorry this was really shit but im trying lmao

i end for summer on the 22nd i think so ill probably write more then:))))))

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