Shay Cormac x Reader

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Sorry my last one was a little shit tbh, a lot has been going on and I haven't really been that great for a few days, but I really want this to work, so I'm gonna try harder oops

This was requested by me because I love the lil Irish devil so

This may be a little long, idk 


"SHAY!" You shout, stumbling past Hope, Achilles, Liam and Vérendrye.

"I cannot- I will not let this happen again," Shay said, edging closer towards the edge of the cliff

 "All those souls lost," He looked down towards the ground, "One more hardly matters,"

Vérendrye edged his gun up towards Shay's shoulder as he was walking away.

"I'm sorry," He looks back towards you, tears threatening to fall.  Vérendrye pulls the trigger, shooting him in the shoulder.

"What have you done?" You screamed, falling to your knees. 

"It had to be done," Hope put her hand on your shoulder, trying to help you up

"He was only trying to save the innocent," You whispered, shaking your head

-4 Years Later-

You stood by the door of the Grandmaster's office, hand on your sword, ready to pull it out if need be. The door opened, revealing a man with a ponytail and a long coat. You pushed him against the wall, your blade to his throat.

"State your business, or die," You said, bringing the blade closer to his neck, almost piercing the skin

"Fiesty, lass," The man said. You bought the blade even closer to his throat as a warning. "To see the Grandmaster," He rolled his eyes, you retracting your blade.

"This way," You started to lead the way, "I'm sorry, things have been a little out of control recently," 

"You can never be too careful," He said, going through the door you had opened for him, leading into the Grandmaster's room.

"Sir," The man began

"I'm very busy at the moment, you will have to do this together," The Grandmaster said, sifting through numerous piles of paper.

"Master Kenwa-" You began but got cut off by a stern voice

"Just do as I say," He retaliates, handing you the contract

You both walked out of his office, going through the door, and outside into the bitter air.

"What do we have to do?" The man asked, trying to peer at the document over your shoulder

"Get intel," You bluntly describe, wanting to get over with this as soon as possible


"A tavern,"


"There," You said, pointing to the tavern a few meters down the street


You and the man walked through the door, sitting at the table in the corner, looking at the description of the guards you had to listen to.

"To break the ice, my name's Shay," He said. Your heart hitched in your throat, making you freeze on the spot. That accent, his face, it was your lover, there was no doubt about that. Did he still remember you? Surely not, it was 4 years ago. He had probably already found someone else.

"There's no time for that, there they are," You said, voice barely above a whisper, pointing towards the door where a pair of guards walked through.

"Perfect," He said, smirking and walking over to them. "Wait here, lass,"

-10 minutes later-

Blood. Shay was covered in it. You were both sat on the roof, you were on the opposite side of him, though. You still couldn't believe it. It had been 4 years. You had seen him fall off of the cliff, a drop like that was certain to kill someone. After his 'death', it had made you question the creed yourself. You had sought out Haytham Kenway, who was more than eager to let you join the Templar cause. 

"Why're you sat so far away lass?" Shay asked, shifting ever so slightly near you

"Four years," You whispered, ever so quietly.


"Four. Fucking. Years." Your voice had gotten louder with every word

"Excuse me?"

"I thought you had died! Four years, and you didn't even try to find me!" You were now stood up, running your hands through your hair, trying not to scream.

"Y/N?" He shot up, joining your side

"You didn't even try to find me," You said, throwing yourself into him.

"I didn't know you weren't an assassin anymore, they would've killed me," He wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your head. 

"I'm here now," He said, stroking the back of your head

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