Jacob Frye x Reader

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Sorry I haven't posted in a few days oopsssss

Thanks for all the votes and shiz btw I really appreciate it^.^

Sorry it's a lil baddddd


"Jacob, why don't you just tell her?" Evie sighed, flicking through a book

"It's not that easy," He whined, looking over at his twin. "Besides, it's alright for you, you know that Henry likes you back,"

"Just go and tell her," She shook her head, "Well actually, I won't be surprised if she already knows,"

"What? What do you mean? Did you tell her?" Jacob shot out of his seat, raking his hands through his hair

"No offence, dear brother, but it's fairly obvious," Evie looked over at her brother and shrugged her shoulders. 

This conversation happened almost every day now. Jacob would come into the train with his hands through his hair, pacing back and forward, and Evie would be sat in the chair reading, waiting for her brother to start complaining again. Of course, they were talking about Jacob's feelings towards you. Yes, he seemed like the confident lad who had nothing to worry about, but when it came to feelings, he wasn't so confident. At first, he had no idea what was going on. He would get extremely nervous around you, always fiddling with his hands and blushing. Then, he wasn't able to speak properly, always stammering and stuttering over his words. Everyone feared that he was getting ill until Henry picked up on something a few days prior. Henry would act the exact same around Evie, and it doesn't take a genius to work out what happened after that.

"I don't know how she hasn't noticed yet," Henry walked into the carriage laughing and shaking his head

"Exactly my point," Evie looked up at him, smirking

"Well, how would you suggest I tell her without me messing up?" Jacob sighed, throwing himself back down onto the sofa

"I can't work miracles," Evie sniggered

"Just tell her, you'll be fine," Henry shook his head

"Thanks for the help, Greenie," Jacob smirked, walking back out of the train into London


You walked into the train, soaking wet. It had been raining, hard. Then again, that's not surprising for Britain. You shook your head, trying to get the loose droplets of water from your hair. You walked outside again, grabbing hold of the end of your robes, and ringing them out, water dripping from the cloth. You walked back into the warmth of the train again, tousling your hair. You started to walk to your room when you came into contact with something warm. You looked up to see Jacob staring back down at you, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Fancy seeing you here," He laughed, scratching the back of his neck

"Jacob, I live here," You joined in with his laughter, shaking your head

"I need to tell you something, like, something serious," He said, calming down in an instant

"Go ahead," You said, standing back and crossing your arms

He took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I can't believe I'm doing this," 

"I've liked you for quite a while now, and uh, yeah," 

"Oh, I know," You smile, starting to walk towards your room.

"Wait, what? That's it? It's taken me months to tell you. No speech about how much you love me? Not even a hug?" He said, his shoulders dropping

"Henry told me," 

"Why didn't you say anything sooner?"

"Didn't feel like it,"

"So you don't even slightly replicate the feelings back?"

"Oh I do," 

"Again, why didn't you say anything sooner?" Jacob was obviously getting a bit annoyed

"Didn't feel like it," You smirked, brushing past him, making him run after you like a dog in heat.

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