Young! Ezio Auditore x Reader

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Hey guys I'm sorry I didn't update yesteerday, this was supposed to go up yesterday but it didnt???

Kinda short, sozzz

Thankyou for all the votes and stuff btw I really appreciate it:)))

Sexual Innuendo warning???? (and swearing in Italian oops)

Translations (sorry if some of these are incorrect:

*Yes, my love


***My love

****My mistake, my love

*****My beloved

******Holy fucking mother of christ


Ezio spent days trying to muster the courage to write you a letter. He would write the start, then screw up the paper into a ball, and start again. He wanted to get it right. He was quite brash when it came to almost everything else, but if you were involved, he would be careful, and think things over more. He wouldn't even speak to you until he had finished it. 

You were sat on the edge of a canal, your feet dangling over the side. Your shoes were making small ripples in the blue water, the reflection of the sky above dancing in the water. You heard loud footsteps behind you, and a clear of a throat. You turned around to see your sweetheart, Ezio, clasping a worn and tattered piece of paper tightly to his chest.

"Finally finished, I see?" You laughed, standing up and walking closer to him. The Italian sun was much hotter this time of the year. You couldn't understand how he wasn't sweltering underneath his robes. 

"Sì, amore mio*, I think you'll find it's quite sweet for a man of my natura**," He smirked, edging closer towards you.

"Can I have a read?" You held out your hand and felt the paper gently placed in your hands.

"Read it aloud, amore mio***," 

"Dearest Y/N,

I have loved you for the longest time now. Ever since I first laid my eyes upon yours, I knew I would love you. 

Remember that time I accidentally pushed you into the canal? I never thought I would get you that wet ever again, Il mio errore, amore mio.****

I thoroughly enjoy every passing moment with you, our love will soon turn into marriage, I assure you.

I will love you forever-" You stopped, and started to laugh

"What are you laughing at, Il mio amato*****?" Ezio rushed to your side to find what you were laughing at.

"Let me read the whole sentence:

I will love you forever, thrust me," You started to laugh even harder, having to give Ezio the letter to hold while you walk over to a wall to support your body from your laughing fit.

"SANTO CAZZO MADRE DI CRISTO!******" Ezio shouted at the top of his voice, "I spent days on this!"

"Ezio, shh, It's okay, I don't love you any less," You said, tugging on his locks

"Speaking of thrusting me-"

"No, Ezio,"

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