Jacob Frye x Reader

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yo yo yo I'm glad you guys liked the Shay shot I wrote, I loved it too tbh. This is another stupid one tbh I'm sorry:)))) I'll get round to writing the Shay fic soon enough, I'm still busy afff bc i got my Science GCSE coming up soon (yes I'm English ayooo) and I'm shit at Science so I gotta do shit:)))

*long oneeee*

Thankyou for all the support and stuff!


You and Jacob had liked each other for a while now. You weren't dating as such, but you both really wanted to. You were both as stubborn as one another, meaning that you wouldn't act upon your feelings, even if a certain twin sister and her sweetheart begged you to. You had found out on accident, overhearing Evie teasing Jacob about his feelings.


"Where is she, Jacob?" Evie laughed, looking around the train for the familiar face that her brother loved dearly.

"Evie! Shut up! She could be hearing you!" Jacob hissed, glaring at his sister

"It's time she knew, isn't it?" She laughed even harder upon seeing Jacob's face

"What's all this shouting about?" Henry walked onto the carriage rubbing his ear, signifying the volume in the room

"Jacob loves (Y/N)!" Evie poked her brothers chest, Henry laughing in response.

While this was all unfolding, you were stood in your carriage behind the door, out of sight, hearing every word. You can and would easily replicate Jacob's feelings. He's a strong, attractive man with a nice neck, how could you not?

"Just tell her," Henry told Jacob, moving to stand next to Evie.

"I can't," He sat down on the sofa behind him, taking off his top hat and running his hands through his hair. He threw his top hat across the room, not bothering to pick it up. 

You emerged from your room with an amused look on your face, knowing what happened. Jacob's eyes shot up from their fixed place onto yours, widening when he had realised you knew everything. 

"You just did," Your glance fell onto him, trying to be serious. 

Evie gave a breathy laugh, shaking her head, "Well done brother, telling the girl you love that you love her without even looking at her,"

"You're the one who was laughing and making all the noise!" He retaliated, earning a shake of the head from his sister

*end of flashback*

That was a few weeks ago now, you and Jacob growing even closer each day. As each day came and went, you were sure he was going to ask you out, but never did. You were hovering over Evie and her desk, looking at the papers she was showing you. 

"The Shroud is supposed to be here," She pointed at a diagram of Buckingham Palace, then started shuffling through another immaculate pile of paper.

"Ah, here it is. This is the-" A small knock on the doorframe interrupted her, both our eyes now on the door.

"Dearest Brother, what a pleasant surprise," She stood up from her chair, walking over to him

"I'm not here for you Evie," He gently pushed his sisters chest, making her topple back slightly.

"Here for the girl you told you loved, but not actually?" She smirked, crossing her arms over her chest, watching. You stood and watched as he sauntered over towards you, a smirk plastered over his smug face.

"Hello there, dear," He leant forward and kissed your cheek, earning a confused look from both his sister and yourself.

"What do you want, Frye?" You asked, you too crossing your arms

"Only a night with the woman I love," He winked, still smirking.

"You didn't even tell her you loved her!" Evie scoffed, staying for the show, apparently.

"I just did," He glared back at his sister, then turned back to you, "Shall we be off?"

"Where are we going? Aren't you going to give me time to get ready?" You fretted as the man linked his arm with yours and dragged you off. He chuckled in response, pulling you closer.

You both stepped off the train, arms linked. You both started walking, the location still unknown to you. Every tie you would ask, he would 'shush' you, and carry on walking.

"Can't you, at least, give me a clue?" You pleaded, nudging his side with your hip

"Nope," Her smiled down at you, a smug look on his face

"Not even a small one?"

"It's nearby,"

"Jacob, it's pitch black," 

"Shhh," He pulled you into his side once more, even closer than before.


The moon was high in the sky, a grey light being cast down onto London below. The stars twinkled above, the atmosphere calming and quiet. It would be, at least, if it wasn't for you and your sweetheart. You were sat in the middle of Hyde Park in the pitch dark, talking rather loudly. If it was daytime, there would certainly be some annoyed people. He had his arm around your waist, his head resting on yours. 

"But if you had to choose, who would you save?" Jacob started laughing again, making you join in

"I am not picking between your sister and Henry, for the last time!" You laughed, shaking your head.

"What about me and Henry?" He suggested looking down at yo

"Right, time to go!" You shot up, waiting for Jacob to push himself up.

"Weren't you enjoying yourself  then, my dear?" He laughed, lacing his fingers into yours

"I can't say that," You pushed his chest playfully, laughing again. You started to walk in a comfortable silence, appreciating how quiet the surroundings were.

"What took you so long to ask me?" You asked, looking up at the man

"What do you mean?" He looked back down at you, a faint smirk growing on his face

"We've liked each other for weeks, why did it take that long to ask me out?"

"Well, I-ah," He spluttered, scratching the back of his neck.

"I'm listening,"

"Basically, for this week, and this week only of my life, I flipped a coin for every decision I had to make," He mumbled, not meeting your eye. After a few silent seconds, he looked up at you. He looked up to see you laughing. Quite a lot.

"It's not funny! It was just an experiment!" He defended himself, getting out the coin he used to flip, "Look! This  is the coin!" 

After your laughter died down, your rejoined your hands with a pouty younger brother, and walked back to the train.

"I hate you," He pouted

"I hate you too," You replied, mocking his tone

"No you don't," He kissed the top of your forehead and brought you closer

"You sure? Might wanna flip a coin on that,"

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