Modern! Jacob Frye x Reader

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it feels like I only do Arno or Jacob anymore oopsie:))))) 

(not sure if Jacob would be the kinda person into metal but hey I am so we cool)

im trying my hardest to update as much as I can, please dont expect a fic every day as its still v hard to do this lmaooooo thanksssss

im haivng major feels idek why but i went to see Dan and Phil (pls tell me at least one of you knnow who they are) on the 26th of October last year and i miSS IT SO MUCH FU C K THEY WERE GR9999


You burst through the doors like wild animals, all wanting to get to the front first. You spent a lot of money on this concert, you weren't about to waste it all now. Of course, everyone was pretty desperate to get to the barrier too, so getting shoved into the cool metal was not fun. You looked around and saw that there were a lot of people near, all of them a lot bigger than you. 

As the stadium started to fill up, you could tell people were getting more and more hyped, as they started shouting and getting a little rough. Just as you were about to turn around and leave the front of the crowd, the lights dimmed and the band came on, which made the crowd even more extreme. Getting pushed up against the boundary, the band started to play, which brought out a giant mosh pit.

The song picked up, getting more intense. You would be enjoying it if you weren't fearing for your life. People started swinging their arms around and running into each other, which made you want to leave even more. Pushing yourself off the barrier, you pushed your way out of the mosh pit, instantly getting hit in the nose at full force. You doubled over, feeling blood trickling out of your nose. A pair of hands were laid on your back to comfort you, but it was doing an awful job.

"Are you okay, love?" You looked up to see probably the most handsome man. Cliche, you know, but true.

"I'm good, yeah," You tried to give an awkward smile and shake it off, but blood from your nose formed a pool on the ground.

"Obviously not, my dear," He chuckled slightly. You moved your hand to cover your nostrils to stop any rogue blood from covering yourself or the stranger, "Follow me,"

"Where are we going?" You started to panic, not wanting to trust a stranger

"Just here, I can get you some help," He turned around while guiding you, "Calm down,"

"Sorry," You gave a laugh and a sigh of relief at the same time, "I can never trust strangers, especially ones who break my nose,"

"Hey! That was an accident," He grinned, turning back around to see where he was going.

Escaping the crowd was a task and a half. It mainly consisted of almost getting knocked off your feet. In the end, he stood on the left of you to protect you from more injuries. You were sat on the floor just ahead of backstage. 

"What happened?" Someone walked up and placed a small bag of bandages on the floor and nealed at your level

"He," You pointed up at the stranger, "Punched me in the nose,"

"It was an accident," He jumped in quickly, trying to protect himself

"Lift your head back, slowly," The doctor pushed your head backwards and looked at your nose, "I'm pretty sure this is broken, yes,"

You looked up at the stranger, who gritted his teeth and mouthed a "sorry"

"How am I going to fix it?" You asked, putting the tissue the doctor gave you up to your nose

"I'm going to put a splint on your nose, it should heal pretty fast," He said, digging through his medical box, then snapping it shut, "But it obviously seems that I don't have one at the moment. I'll be back,"

"I guess this should be a good time to give you my name and number," The stranger smirked, slumping against the wall next to you

"Likewise," You asked, taking the tissue away from your nose just to put it back on again

"I'm Jacob," He gave you a rather shit-eating grin, and reached into his pocket, giving you another tissue

"I'm (Y/N)," You nodded your head back to him, taking the tissue

"Sorry about breaking your nose," He scuffed his shoe along the floor, still looking at you

"It's alright, didn't need it anyway," You gently touched your nose, hissing in pain after

"Alright, don't take this piss, I said I was sorry!" He shouted, gently punching your arm

"Go careful, you might break my arm as well!" You punched his arm back, the both of you ending up in giggles for the rest of the night, despite your broken nose.

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