Young! Modern! Ezio Auditore x Reader

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lmao sometimes i hate writing for ac cuz if you wanna do more than one fucking au its like young! modern! fucking vegetarian! gay!, you know it really makes the title a lot longer lmao

anyway remember when I said i didn't really like Ezio? well shit guess who almost cried over him earlier? mE LIke honestly i was reading Brotherhood and i was like;; yelling about Ezio to my mother and i was like??? hello? i don't like him???! young ezio is my fAVVVVV like at the start of II, you know the part, beating up Vieri's gang and his lil voice hOT DAMn he's cute::::

anyway enjoy this shit show

Translations?? ? ??? ?:

Spiacente: Sorry

Madonna: My lady

Grazie: Thank you

Buongiorno: Good Morning 

Arrivederci: Goodbye 

sorry if some of these are off, im not Italian sadly;-;


You were sat in class, drumming your pencil lightly on your book, eagerly trying to pass the time. You glanced up at the clock and sighed, seeing that time hasn't progressed since the last time you looked. 

"It's that time of year again, Class!" Your teacher grinned, "It's Summer Project time, that's what it is!" 

The rest of your class gave a unanimous groan, thinking of all the work that was to be set in the Summer. It wasn't that you didn't mind the work, just the potential partners you could be with. Last year, you got paired with the laziest piece of shit on God's fine Earth, meaning you basically did the whole thing yourself. 

"I'm afraid, in this school's desperate attempt to actually educate people, you cannot pick your partners, as most of you know," The teacher reached into their back pocket and pulled out a rather, crumpled, piece of paper, "I have your partners here," 

You slumped more into the cheap plastic chairs, hoping no one would see you. Looking around the room, you saw that more and more people were getting up and going to their partners. Surely there would be an odd number, right?

"Y/N and," Their eyes scanned the paper, either trying to read his writing or pronounce the person in question's name. After a small silence, the cursed words finally touched his lips, "Ezio,"

You felt your eyebrow ever so slightly raise, but fall back down again after the teacher's stony look on their face indicated that they were not in fact joking. Stamping your feet on the floor in a great effort to sit up properly, you gathered the copious amount of things scattered on your desk and made your way over to his table. The closer you got, the more you felt your legs resist. Sure, he was popular. Sure, he was extremely good looking. And sure, he was Italian. But damn, was he annoying. 

"Y/N! Get over here buddy!" He shouted rather loudly and waved a tad too hard. You plodded over, giving him a nod of your head in acknowledgement. You practically threw yourself into the empty seat next to him, wanting to get the "walk of shame", per say, over and done with.

"I hope you're all happy with your partners, as you can't change them," Your teacher chuckled slowly at his own joke, "Your assignment is to create a presentation about a foreign country, It can be any country, as long as it exists,"

You felt a nudge at your side, breaking your concentration. You looked in the direction of the action, to see it was your partner, "Psst! Psst! Y/N!"

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