Modern! Connor Kenway x Reader

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Sorry I keep doing Connor and Shay (I gotta chill man) but for this imagine we're gonna need him:)))

Thank you for all the support so far too, I didn't expect many people would actually like it??

Don't forget to request stuff, it's all cool




You were sat in Literature class absolutely bored out of your mind. What's the point in learning any of this anyway? You looked down at your doodles on the lined piece of paper you always kept in your pencil case for moments like this. It was full of swirls, lines, and fluorescent yellow highlighter. You sat by one of your friends in this class, so it wasn't so bad. He was pretty cool. His name's Altair, which is great, because whenever we have a supply, they can't pronounce his name. It's the same for our Italian friend too, Ezio.

"So what I want you to do is-" The bell went, signaling our next lesson and in turn, interrupting our teacher. We put all of our stuff away, and walked to our next lesson, which had to be Maths. You met the rest of the group outside of the classroom, and started to walk. Altair and Ezio were at the front, fighting over something, again.

"Faccia a culo!"*  Ezio shouted something in Italian, but none of us could speak it.

"Ezio, you know none of us can speak your infernal language!" Altair huffed, walking off.

Shay was on the phone to his mother, who was wishing him luck on his test.

"I make my own luck, Mother," He said, and hung up.

Jacob was right at the back, pestering poor Fredrick Abberline.

"Come on, Freddy, just one!"

"Jacob for the last time, I am not giving you my last chewing gum,"

Just in front of Jacob and Freddy was you and Connor.

"Please can I braid your hair!" You begged, pulling the sleeve of his jumper

"Y/N no, for the last time you cannot braid my hair," He laughed ever so slightly. 

You walked into Maths and sat down. You were sat in between Arno and Shay (you were moved there because they're always arguing), and in front of you sat Elise and Edward, who were sat either side of Connor. 

Halfway through the lesson, things got even more boring. You had ran out of space on your ratty piece of paper, Arno was tired of teaching you swear words in French, and Shay was busy trying to redo his ponytail. The only other person you could think to speak to was Connor.

"Hey, Connor, psst!" You whispered, tapping him on the shoulder. He turned around to see your hopeful face smiling up at him. "Can I bra-"

"Go on then," He said, shaking his head and turning back around to give you access. You undid the little ribbon holding his ponytail, deciding to leave the small braid by the side of his face. You started to split up his hair into smaller sections, wanting to put in multiple braids.

"Y/N, what are you doing?" You looked up to see the teacher eyeing you

"Nothing, sir," You said, throwing the ribbon from Connors hair back at him

"I should hope so," He said, turning back to the board

-After class-

"You know, I never did get to finish your hair," You smiled, hoping Connor would let you finish

"Fine," He turned back around, letting you undo his ponytail once again.

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