Modern! Jacob Frye x Reader

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ok so like a lOT of you wanted me to start doing prefrences so thats what im gonna do lmao (like honestly theres like 10 comments and your all like yASSS like damn bitch oK ILL DO IT)

i gotta say im proud of that vagina line in that fic i wrote yesterday tbh

anyway thanks for 30k reads (whAt) and try  to enjoy this ayy


You sat behind the cash register, you feet resting on the desk. Turns out, checking the time every  few seconds on your phone makes it go slower. You picked up your phone and pressed the button to show the time, sighing and shaking your head in frustration. Closing time was 10, that was if no one came in at 9:59 taking their damn time trying to find that pack of bacon they so desperately needed. You tried to preoccupy your mind, walking over to the cereal aisle and organising the boxes in alphabetical order - which made you want to leave faster. Even though you were pretty bored, you did quite enjoy the peace and quiet. There were no incompetent customers too lazy to find the items they were looking for, no rude customers that weren't constantly rushing you. Still standing in the cereal aisle, lost in your thoughts while staring at a Rice Krispies box, you heard the door open, and a small breeze travel over to you. You groaned internally and turned around to face the poor sod who was just about to get kicked out by yours truly. It had to be said, he has very pretty hair. And face. And body. But you weren't gonna let this attractive sap take away your solitude.

"I'm sorry, but we're just closing," You apologised. For the first time in forever, you were wishing your manager would turn up to close.

"No, but you see, it's my sisters' boyfriends' birthday today," He fought.

"And..?" You motioned for him to carry on

"And, I forgot to get him something," He explained, giving a puzzled look to the alphabetized cereal behind you.

"So you come to a corner shop to get him a present?" You ask, pretty dumbfounded, "Unless he wants an OK magazine and chocolate bar, this isn't the right place buddy,"

"Well, you're bound to have wine or something?" He asked, looking around

"We have beer," You sighed, pointing to the small shelf of alcohol

"Perfect!" He smiled, walking over to the shelf, "Which one's the cheapest?"

"This one," You mumbled, reaching from behind him and pulling out a maybe too cheap bottle

"I'll take it," He remarked, sauntering over to the till. You put the bottle down and scanned it, just before the lights went off.

"Um, I'm not interested in joining your cult, if that's what you guys are planning on asking me," He smirked

"That's funny," You stated, walking over to the door and pulling it, "Bad news, Bucko,"

"My name's Jacob," He responded, "Bad news?"

"We're locked in," You reported, jiggling the door extra hard

"Let me try," Jacob waltzed over and stuck out his arms, trying to show any remnant of a muscle on his arm, "I'll have you know I knocked someone out in a matter of seconds,"

"Where?" You asked, "Your Xbox doesn't count,"

"People are quite fearful of me," He bragged, flicking a stray hair from his face and grabbing the door, giving it a large push, followed by a pull. It didn't budge.

"I'm guessing the door isn't one of them," You laughed, walking back over to the counter, "No worry, I can ring my manager anyway,"

You pressed the button on your phone, but nothing happened. You repeatedly pressed it, getting harder each time, but nothing happened. Guess all that time checking ran the battery out.

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