Edward Kenway x Reader

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guys what the fuck im actually updating im a changed woman (not really but yano)

tHIS IDEA WAS SENT TO ME BY erkenemerkel LIKE MONTHS AGO LMAo literally though you've been waiting for like 86 years and its shit js

thanks for not abandoning me fam peACE

(sorry I find it real uncomfortable to write about sex and pregnancy oops)

((it doesn't help i havent played AC4 in 3 years lmao))


You stepped out of the Captain's cabin, the Carribean sun instantly burning your skin. You and Edward have been close from the start after he saw you take down a whole Spanish ship on your own. He immediately put you on board his ship, for his gain, of course. You didn't like him, at first. His ego and ignorance distracted from his seemingly good looking features. But as the years went on, the both of you grew a little closer. You never really thought of him in a more-than-friendly way, until it was a hot day and took off his shirt - then you were sold. From then on, you were pretty sure he felt the same way. That night, you were definitely sure he was sold. Of course, actions like those came with drawbacks. A few weeks later, you were up and early, throwing up the contents of your stomach over the side of the Jackdaw. From that sign, it should've been apparent to you that you had his child, but it wasn't. Prone to seasickness, you and the crew blew it off. Of course, this wasn't a good idea. Leaving it this last minute to tell him - it was bound to ruin everything.

The ship was docked, possibly in the middle of the ocean by the looks of things. It didn't look like much would happen today as the crew were sat on the canons drinking rum. Edward was sat on some barrels, laughing with a crew member and drinking. Looking up, he beckoned you over, a smile plastered on his face.

"What's up love?" He put his arm around your shoulders, bringing you into his chest.

"Nothing," You mumbled, your face pressed flat on his chest.

"And that's a lie," He looked down at you and chuckled, "You can tell me, it's fine," You looked down at your feet and scuffed the deck, wanting to be anywhere but there.

"Y/N," He bowed his head to look at you, concern filling his face. You looked up to meet his eyes, giving a nervous laugh.

"Well, I may, or may not, be carrying your child," You looked back down at the floor again, finding a rather interesting spot on the floor to look at. The silence was deafening. You could probably hear a pin drop it was so quiet.

"You're what!" He yelled, making you look up back at him. He picked you up off the ground, spinning you around, making the other crew members look on. "I'm going to be a father!"

He put you back down on the ground, then looked at the rest of the crew, "Did you hear that lads? Baby Kenway is on the way!" The cheering from the rest of the sailors distracted you from the obvious. How were you going to get home? Where were you going to live? How were you supposed to get everything for the child? You shot Edward a look of alarm, snapping his celebration.

"Oh Jesus, we're gonna have to get so much stuff! We could go back to London, maybe?" He fretted. If you could look any closer, you could just about see the cogs turning in his head, "Just go rest, darling, I'll sort all of this out," He pressed his hand to your lower back and gently pushed you towards the cabin, looking behind him and fistpumping the air to his crew, earning another roar.

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