Edward Kenway x Reader

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Hey guys, haru3889 requested Edward so ofc I'm gonna do it ay

Sorry if it's not v good or long, a lot happened today and ugH I'm sorry


"Edward, why can't we take a break for a little?" You complained, wiping your forehead with the back of your hand for the millionth time. You had joined Edward in his voyage to Tulum, which was incredibly hot. The sun was blazing down, burning your face. It wasn't so bad for Edward and his crew, they could take off their shirts, but alas, you had dignity.

"If we take a break now, we'll never make it love!" He laughed, steering the ship with one hand

"Have you not bloody felt the heat?" You cried, motioning your hands towards the sun

"Come on, Captain!" One of the crew said, "We'll surely die if we carry on!"

"Fine, go and have a swim," He said, throwing his head back in defeat. You weren't so keen on the idea, so you stayed silent.

"What's the matter love, afraid of a little water?" Edward smirked, taking his hair out of the bun it was usually in

"Well no-" You were interrupted by a strong pair of hands grabbing your waist, and throwing you over a shoulder

"Kenway! Let me go!" You thrashed around in his grip but it was no use. You felt his hands release from your hips, the water below cooling you instantly.

"Better?" He smiled, shaking the water out of his hair

"Maybe," You smiled, flicking water at him, surprising him 

"It's like that now, is it?" He pushes a significantly larger amount of water towards you, drenching your face. You were just about to do the same, when he wraps his arms around your waist, resting his chin on top of your head. 

"What's all this about?" You laughed into his chest

"I care about you lass, that's what,"

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