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Chapter Two- Dirty Lesbian, Jessie J

"Oh Bob told you about it, aye?" I Teased.

"Yes, yes he did. He's really hot you know?" She asked smiling to herself.

"Yeah very hot for a bald guy." I laughed. She clearly wasn't amused. Seeing the annoyed look plastered onto her face only made me laugh more. I should've known she wouldn't be able to keep her hands off a tall, muscular guy like Bob.

"Is that a yes then? Can we go?" She pleaded, pouting in my face.

"Hmmm" i groaned reluctantly.

"Aww Thanks Chlo! You're the best lesbian friend i could ever ask for!" She giggled running off to get ready.

I slowly rolled off the sofa and began to un-pack the boxes filling the room before heading off for a shower and getting ready.

"Today would be good Han.." I yelled from the door. I'd been stood ready and waiting to go now for half an hour.

"2 Seconds!" She said for the hundredth time tonight.

Eventually she appeared looking pretty stunning i must say.

"Well you're very dressed up," i said suspiciously.

"Hmm, never know who you're going to see at a club like this." She grinned making me even more suspicious..

20minutes later and we were in. Han dragged me straight towards the bar, where the shots began. 4 down and she was pretty much off her head. Lightweight.

"P-piss.. I'm going" she slurred stumbling off towards the toilets. I got myself a coke and made my way over to a quiet sofa in the corner of the room. I leant my head back and shut my eyes waiting for Han to arrive, probably on the floor. Or maybe she'd be brought back by a paramedic? Who knows..

"Guess who!!" A familiar voice suddenly whispered into my ear covering my eyes tightly. Surely it was Han? It had to be.. But it didn't sound like her?

"BOO!" Shouted Jessie, sitting beside me on the sofa.

"Oh, hey!" I shouted surprised, over the music.

"I'm not too late am i?" She asked worried.

"What do you mean?" I asked totally confused.

"Well apparently Han told Bob to be here for half 9..its nearly 10. I'm sorry if we kept you waiting. I couldn't decide what to wear. But you-urm- you look hot!" She said quickly, looking me up and down.

I should've known.. Thats why Han was all dressed up. She'd organised to meet Bob. Wait, did that mean she'd set me up with Jessie? Or did she just invite Jessie so i didn't feel left out? I don't know. Who knows what runs through Hans mind when there's a guy in the picture.
Wait what? Did Jessie J just call me hot?.

"Well?" Jessie said snapping me back into reality.

"Wait, sorry? What?" I said suddenly.

"I said; Do i look ok?" She asked standing up and twirling round quickly. My eyes scanned her head to toe several times. Fuck she looked more than ok.. She looked.. Wow.. I felt my jaw drop and my eyes widen as i only just realised how sexy she looked.

"Close your mouth babe, you'll catch flies." She grinned, looking more than satisfied. She slowly leant into me using her thumb to lift up my chin. I felt a bit lost. My stomach flipped as she smiled and i felt fainted as her thumb pressed against my chin. What was wrong with me?

"So.." She trailed off, suddenly making the situation extremely awkward.

"Want to dance?" She smiled.

"Urm.. I'm not really much of a dancing person." I said hesitantly.

"So? Come on, just follow me!" She said grabbing my hand and pulling me through the crowd of suffocating people filling the dance floor. We eventually stopped when we found Han and Bob; i'd say they were dancing.. But it was more like him just rubbing his hands all over her body.

Jessie and i both smiled awkwardly. Right now there was one thing i was thinking; i'd really like to be rubbing my hands all over Jessie right now..just like Bob and Han were doing.
Where did that come from? What was i thinking? Woah.

A sudden burst of confidence came from nowhere within me and i grabbed Jessie's waist spinning her round and held my hands tightly there, beginning to dance like a twat. Jessie smiled and began to dance also.

At first it was really quite awkward but as time went on we both relaxed more and became more comfortable around each other.

"I really need a drink!" Jessie yelled down my ear leaning her face into my neck.

"Go and sit down, i'll get you one." I smiled heading towards the bar.

"Two vodka and cokes!" I grinned, approaching Jessie, passing one to her and sitting across from her.

"Urm, chlo i don't really drink.." Jessie said looking rather guilty.

"Shit sorry Jess i just assumed yanoo.." I felt quite stupid at this point.

"Oh its 'Jess' now is it?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Shit, sorry again i just sort of, i do-" i stuttered and stumbled on my words, when suddenly i stopped feeling her leg brush up mine. I looked upto her face where she held her finger over her lips.

"Only the sexiest girls get to call me Jess.." She said slowly. Shit was she flirting with me? Fuck what was i meant to say now? I cant flirt. I'll just look like an even bigger idiot!

"I can call you Jess then right?" I said suddenly. Woah, where did that come from?

"You think you're sexy then?" She giggled rubbing her leg up mine once more. My whole body tingled and i could've honestly fainted right there and then.

"I think you're sexy.." She continued slowly sipping at her drink.

"I thought you didn't drink 'Jess'?" I said emphasising the 'Jess'.

"Tonight i will.. It'll be our little secret. Yeah?" She winked sending my stomach insane.
I nodded slowly, it was just about all i could manage to get out right now..

"Can i tell you another secret?" She said quietly, slowly leaning in closer to me. I nodded once more.
She stood up and moved round the table, sitting herself on my legs and leant forward.

"I really want to kiss you." She whispered against my ear. Fuck what had she just done to me? My whole body tingled and i couldn't think straight. I didn't know what to do or say. Before i even had the chance to think properly i heard somebody clearing their throat. I looked up to see Han and Bob. Han practically draped over him.

"We're g-going back to B-Bob's.." She shouted, still slurring.

"You two have fun? Be safe" Bob shouted back to both me and Jessie before dragging Han away. I felt Jessie giggle, i was still frozen. I still didn't know what to do or say.

"Come on.." She said dragging me back onto the dance floor once more.

Within minutes i found Jessie's hands around my hips and her crotch slowly grinding into my bum. With every second that passed i knew more and more what i should've done earlier. I should've kissed her. Hard. Lost in my thoughts as usual i did't even realise that both Jessie and i had somehow ended up on the floor in a heap. She was laughing hysterically and uncontrollably. Her laugh was beautiful and infectious, i couldn't help but laugh also. Suddenly her laughter stopped and her face fell serious. Her hand slowly moved up to my cheek where she brushed it lightly. Her eyes repeatedly glanced from my eyes to my lips. I could feel her warm breath against my face and i could smell that same perfume filling my nostrils once again. Just as she began to lean forward, i slowly jerked back hearing abuse being hurled from somewhere behind me.

"Dirty lesbian, Jessie J"


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