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Chapter TwentyEight- Corrupted Family

The next morning, I was woken by a loud noise. Before i'd even open my eyes, i shot up, sat bolt up right. When my eyes finally fluttered open and i'd adjusted, i caught glance of the clock. It was One in the afternoon! And Jessie was nowhere to be seen. Where was she an why had she let me sleep in?

I grabbed her t shirt off the floor and threw it over my head. I headed out on to the landing, at the top of the stairs, i could hear voices. Silently, i crept down each step. My fingers were tightly crossed, hoping the floor didn't creak. Outside Jessie's living room door, i stood and listened. Her dad was speaking.

"But Jessica, it's just not like you. You know better than that. Your mother and I have brought you up to be better than that. You better pray she does not find out about this, you'll do no good for her high blood pressure." Stephen sounded so firm and authoritative, i hadn't hear him like this before. What had Jessie done? What were they talking about? I heard Jessie murmur something i didn't quite catch.

"Oh Jessica Cornish. I'm disappointed." Full name? Oh it must be bad. I could just picture Stephen, with his hands on his hips, stood over Jess. I was desperate to know what she'd done, but i was scared to just walk in. They'd probably know i was listening.

"Dad, don't tell me you don't want to do the same?" Jessie's voice sounded different. I think she'd been crying.

"Well, perhaps, but that isn't the point. It was wrong. You'll apologise to him, alright? What he did was an accident. I'm sure he regrets it." I was now starting to become quite worried. I couldn't for the life of me imagine what they could possibly be talking about.

"No way am i apologising. I'm not sorry. He bloody deserved it! I've done nothing wrong! I'd happily do it again!" She huffed.

"Jessica!" Stephen bellowed.

"Dad! Chlo's still asleep! Keep it down." Jessie told him.

"How do you think she'll feel when she finds out what you've done? Aye? She won't be happy, i'm sure." He continued to lecture Jess. Ok, now i really really was desperate to know what it was. I wasn't going to like it - apparently.

"I know, i know. But, i'm sure she'll understand - Unlike you!" Her voice raised slightly.

"I understand completely. I'm just trying to be a decent parent, and tell you it's not on." He spoke quite patronisingly, i'm sure Jessie must've been rolling her eyes.

"Dad. I'm 25. Not 5." She was beginning to sound like a teenager.

"Then act your age for goodness sake. What if the press find out about this? You're not just Jessica Cornish anymore. You're Jessie J. You have to think about this before acting up." Stephen really was not happy. I heard foot steps. Somebody walking towards the door. Walking towards me. Shit. I quickly raced in to the kitchen, putting on the kettle so it looked as though i was busy.

"Oh, you're awake." Jessie was clearly shocked, as she stepped in to the kitchen.

"Good morning to you too, baby... Or should i say good afternoon?" I decided to act innocent, like i hadn't just heard all of that.

"Sorry, i've um, i've been to see my mum. You looked so peaceful, i didn't want to wake you." She half smiled, now she looked guilty. Good. So she should, for whatever it is that she's done.

"You've been all the way over there? What time did you leave?" I was kind of surprised.

"7am. I went to rehearsals first though, then over to the hospital." She explained.

"And how was your mum?" I said simply, my back to her as i poured Two mugs of tea, and began to make myself a coffee.

"Yeah she's getting there. Still tired. She's eating well. Why are there three mugs Chlo?" She asked, standing beside me, gesturing to the drinks i'd prepared.

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