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Chapter ThirtyThree- "Mum, it's Chloe."

*** "don't! No! You can't!" I yelled. I couldn't see. Why couldn't I see? Was i blindfolded? I scrambled across the floor, my hands searching for something, for anything.

"You can't save her Chloe. It's too late." His voice was so menacing, so evil. It made me feel sick to my stomach.

"What has she ever done to you? Don't hurt her, it's me you want!" I tried to bargain with him, but he knew full well this was the most he could possibly hurt me. Hurting Jessie was the worst he could do.

"Now, now sister of mine; why ever would I wish to cause you pain? Aye?" I felt his hand on my shoulder, I slapped it away in disgust. "If anything happens to Jessie-i-i swear to God." I didn't even sound convincing. I was pathetic. My voice wavered constantly.

"Chlo!" Jessie gasped.***

My eyes flicked open and I sat bolt up right. I turned to my side. Jessie sat, wide eyed and scared. Her eyes were so bright in the dark. Her hand reached out to mine, holding it tightly. Her thumb ran across my knuckles- back and forth.

"It was just a nightmare baby. It's okay." She whispered soothingly, pulling me into her.

"I need a-um- i have to pee." I wriggled out of her grasp and stumbled into her en-suite. I flicked on the light before grasping the edge of the sink. I glared at my reflection, staring me back in the full wall mirror. I looked horrendous. I wiped at my tear stained cheeks and then splashed water over my face. I began to pat my face dry with a towel. I repeated the mantra inside my head- it's okay, he can't get you. It's okay, he can't get you.

I re-entered the bedroom, which was now fully lit. Jessie sat on the edge of the bed, watching me closely. I glanced at the clock beside the bed, 3:30am.

"Go back to sleep gorgeous. I'm going to get a drink." I smiled assuringly, smoothing her hair back. I pecked her forehead then left the room, heading downstairs. I turned the light on and grabbed a glass from her cupboard. I held the glass under the tap, filling it with water. I glanced up, out of the window idly.

I froze, dropping the glass as it smashed in the bottom of the sink. I let out a scream, stumbling backwards. I couldn't take my eyes off him. Jessie came galavanting down the stairs and was by my side in the blink of an eye.

"Chlo what is it?" I finally took my eyes off him to look at Jessie.

"Outside. I-I- outside!" I murmured, my wobbly finger directing her gaze to the window. But, by the time I looked back, he was gone.

"Was it those bats again? They do that to me! They swoop down out of nowhere and scare the life out of me!" My gaze was froze. I stared distantly at the spot he stood in no more than sixty seconds ago. How had he found me so quickly? I'd only discovered he was out hours ago. He should've been under surveillance. How had he found Jessie's house? I had to call the police. But, maybe I'd imagined it? It was early morning and I'd only had two hours sleep. I'd had a nightmare and my imagination was running wild -(excuse the pun 😉)- I must've imagined it. I was going crazy.

"Chlo?" Jessie prompted, holding me at arms length. Assessing me.

"Um, yeah, sorry, it was bats." I half smiled. She returned the smile- she wasn't convinced. She took another glass from the cupboard filling it with water.

"Come on, lets go back to bed." She took my hand, whisking me out of the room. I turned back, glancing one last time out into Jessie's back garden. If my brother had been there, he definitely wasn't now.


The following morning, Jessie got me up early since she had to be in a meeting with the vicious Melanie by 9am. She seemed much more confident about facing Melanie recently. I could tell she was still slightly nervous, however. I sat, wrapped in Jessie's dressing gown at the breakfast bar whilst she cooked me breakfast. She was dressed casually in tights, shorts, a plain white t-shirt and had a red and blue shirt wrapped around her waist. She'd insisted on cooking for me. She loved to cook.

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