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Chapter Forty Five- Insanity

I turned to Jessie, silently begging her to save the day. Would Rose be happy about our engagement?

"Well?" She prompted. Judging by her tone of voice, he was not pleased.

"Well, not officially.." Jessie murmured. "I mean, we don't have a ring." She shrugged.

"Yet." I murmured under my breath.

"When was this decided?" She asked, she sounded awfully offended. I couldn't even face her, I kept my gaze focused on Jessie.

"Only within the last few days mum. While we were away. We weren't keeping it from you or anything, I swear." I could tell Jessie didn't want to argue about this, especially not now. I desperately wanted to help her out of the situation. But, I had no idea how to.

"Jessica, a word in private please." She pointed toward the door, indicating for Jessie to leave the room with her. Jessie didn't budge.

"Now." She added, continuing to point.

"No mum, whatever you have to say, you can say it in front of Chlo, too." Jess got to her feet and stood with her hands on her hips. She was so stubborn, and I loved it.

"Um, I'll go and, um, tidy or something." Han quickly made her way out of the room. Desperate to escape the beginnings of world war three.

"For goodness sake Jess, you're not a child. I'd like a word." I finally turned to face Rose, my future mother in law. Her eyes were about to roll out of their sockets and she was stood with her hands on her hips. Just like Jessie.

"Stop treating me like a child then. Whatever you say to me, I'll tell Chlo anyway. So why don't you just save me the trouble. Say what you have to say, and we can both listen." She scowled harshly at her mother. Just when I was about to leave the room, and play the pacifist, Rose spoke.

"Well, quite frankly, I think you're both rather mad." She stated flatly. Jessie opened her mouth to retaliate but Rose spoke over her. "You're both struggling through a hard time, and now is not the time to be making these sorts of decisions. After what you've just been through, you should be visiting counsellors. You're unstable. It was only a few days ago that Chloe was trying to kill you Jess! Your father and I had been together for two years before we were engaged. You both need to seriously think about this." She finally stopped. I wasn't sure whether to run out of the room, curl up under my duvet and cry or to tell her where to stick her opinion. I knew for a fact that arguing with Rose wouldn't make things any better.

"Forgive me Rose, but, I agree that we've been through a lot and aren't possibly in the best position to make life changing decisions. Yet, while we were away we did a lot of thinking and talking. And it's very clear to us both, that we couldn't live without eachother. If anything, these recent events have simply brought that to light. I now realise just how badly I need Jess. It seems crazy I know, but that's how it is. I hope you can accept that." I sighed. Rose huffed something under her breath, and her fingers flew to her temples as she massaged the stress and tension away. That was something I'd noticed Jessie often did. I turned to Jessie and she looked furious, she was shaking slightly and I could sense the blood boiling within her.

"You were fine with us being together just ten minutes ago." Jess spat.

"I was unaware of the fact that you were engaged then." Rose returned Jessie's glare, and the tension rose. They were having some sort of western show down, staring eachother down. I was half expecting one of them to flip a piston from their pocket.

"Right, firstly, Chlo didn't try to kill me. She considered it, and you know full well why. She was pushed in to it, and I'd of done the same had roles been reversed. Secondly, we're not unstable nor do we need counsellors. As long as we have eachother, we'll be fine. I thought you understood all of this and you were okay with it." Jessie's hands flailed about in exasperation. When she stopped talking I took one of her hands and pressed my lips to the palm, in an attempt to calm her. She glanced at me sympathetically.

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