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As I'm sure you've all realised this fanfic has been rather slow lately. I'm a bit of a drama queen but my life is just feeling like a bit of a state and the moment and I just feel like I've lost the love for this fanfic. I've been writing 'My Shadow' a year to this week, and I don't know about you guys but it's beginning to feel old and dragged out. Don't worry, I'm not about to tell you I won't be writing anymore. However, It is coming to an end. I had planned to continue upto 80 chapters, yet I think I'll stop at 55. I'm sorry to anybody who actually still reads this and cares but, I just think I've lost the love for it and there isn't much point in writing it without. I will however get on with 'Love&Fame' and 'Her Wild Side' and work to make those better and more regularly updated. Thank you to everybody whom has ever read a single chapter of this Fanfic, and If you've voted, Thank you to you too. But to those that have followed this story persistently since Chapter One, i'm talking about the people that have voted for every chapter and tweeted me and sent me messages and left nice comments, I love you guys! Thanks, Emma.

Now lets get on with the next 6 chapters.


Chapter FortyNine: Forever Drama

Mark, Jessie's security guard worked hard to escort us off the premises. The second Jessie had confirmed out engagement it had seemed the press had turned in to wild animals. Jessie was still suffering with a headache and the flashing and shouting clearly wasn't helping so I quickly whisked her out of the room and Mark came to the rescue.

"Well that went well." Jessie scoffed as she climbed into the car. I was buckling up my seat belt when Jessie gasped. I turned to see her clutching her head.

"Is it really that bad, baby?!" I asked, removing her hands and rubbing her forehead.

"It kills, Chlo." Her bottom lip began to tremble and her eyes brimmed with tears.

"Didn't the ibuprofen take it off at all?" Normally ibuprofen does the trick, it's like magic. She shook her head slightly, whilst wincing in pain.

"I don't know. It was easing a little while we were in there, but it's just come back, worse." I pecked her forehead and fastened her belt as we had now set off for Jessie's next interview.

"It'll go off baby, I'm sure. Close your eyes and relax, yeah?" Jessie's eyes fluttered closed and she placed her head on my shoulder. I pulled her in close and began to drag my finger tips up and down the length of her arm, in order to soothe her. Just as Jess began to snore softly, we arrived. I was then faced with the heartless task of waking her.

"Baby." I shook her gently. "Perhaps we should go back to your parents. I'm not sure you should be working, you're clearly ill." Although her eyes were shut I could see the disagreement plastered across her face. She shook her head vigorously and shot up.

"No, I won't cancel. Come on." She took my hand and we made our way inside. This interview was much different. It seemed they weren't actually interested in the topic at hand- Jessie's album, they were imfact interested in us and our engagement.

"You haven't been together long and in the short space of time you've been together you've had a lot of drama, apparently, do you think this has made your love stronger?" A reporter asked.

"I think so yes. I mean, I don't know about Chlo but I feel like we've been through things most people will never experience. And we came out on top. I won't go into detail, but we've seen eachother in positions that were heart breaking and, it's really shown us, just how badly we need eachother and want eachother." Jessie responded. I simply nodded in agreement. Jessie seemed to have the talking under control and she knew all dos and donts about what to say. I didn't. I'd say the wrong things and probably get her into trouble with her label. So I kept my trap shut.

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