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Chapter Ten - "Will you be my girlfriend?"

(A/N I'm really sorry, I've been feeling really ill like all week and just haven't been able to update i'm sorry. You guys are amazing, over 200 votes, ty. So as promised, double update today ;) Enjoyyyy)

"Yeah, we know" Jessie said bluntly.

I could see the look plastered across Jessie's face. I could imagine her trying to send me some telepathic message, telling me shut my mouth. Something just suddenly ticked in me. Alisha and Jessie seemed so close, and I really didn't like that for some reason. I didn't really want to get onto the wrong side of Jessie though, considering that Jessie was already unsure about being with me thanks to that stupid manager of hers. I decided I really needed to stay on her good side and make her life as easy as possible.

"oh," I simply replied.

"So what are we going to do tonight?" Jessie asked suddenly, totally changing the subject. Wow, she really didn't want to talk about the 'Jalisha' thing. I couldn't help but wonder why. I mean, if they were just friends surely they'd think it was amusing. Maybe there was something going on? No, there couldn't. Jessie wouldn't ever do that. She wouldn't lead me on, act like she wanted me when she was with somebody, just wouldn't. Maybe they 'did' have 'something'. Is that why it's so awkward? Maybe Alisha's Jessie's ex. I really don't like that.

"Chlo?" Jessie asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry, what?" I asked, confused.

"We were thinking about just having a night in tonight. Some wine, some food, yanoo?" Holly, explained.

"oh yeah, sure that sounds great!" I replied enthusiastically. Did that mean Alisha would be there? hm. I had barely even spoke to the girl. I didn't know a thing about her really. I'd never disliked somebody so quickly. I didn't understand my problem. I knew I was being stupid, but, well, I guess I just really wanted Jessie and I didn't want Alisha getting in my way. possessive right?

"Right well I have an interview, do you two want to come?" Jessie asked gesturing towards Holly and me. Did that mean Alisha was going? If she was then I was.

"We'll go back to the hotel if that's ok Jess? I want Chlo to speak to some people," Holly spoke for me. um, ok then?

"Yeah sure, i'll be back in a couple of hours," and then she walked away. No goodbye? No nothing? She just went. And Alisha went with her. No more than half an hour ago she was crying her eyes out at the thought of not being with me, and now she's happily disappearing off for 'a couple of hours'. I was so confused.

While Holly and I finished eating she explained to me how she was part of the dance group 'collective Ent' and how earlier this year they had got onto Got To Dance. Unfortunately they didn't make it that far, so they were practising as much as possible to try and get a good routine together and get further next year. She was skyping them tonight to talk about the routine and she wanted to introduce me. I guess I was ok with this. I mean if it meant I might be part of the group that's great, however Holly did mention that i'd not be paid. I was hoping to be part of a group and be paid. I guess I was still looking for a job then.

Holly and I went back to the hotel and skyped the group and Holly and I even danced a little and I was really enjoying it to be honest. I could see Holly and me being really good friends. The group really seemed to like me and they couldn't wait to meet Han and the way they were talking, it was asif I was already part of the group, I loved it.

It had been and hour and a half now, surely Jessie would be back soon. Suddenly the thought crossed my mind, i'd got no clothes, or anywhere to stay or anything! Where Jessie was staying was massive, she had several rooms, I presumed she'd offer to let me stay here. However, I didn't like to assume, I was worried that she was annoyed at me, maybe she'd kick me out? Maybe she expected me to drive home tonight? I really didn't want to. I really didn't know, this woman had confused the hell out of me.

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