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Chapter ThirtySix- ready to play?

~{ I'm really sorry i take so long to update lately. Revision is just my life right now and my exams start after easter so I'll just update whenever I can. I'll try and update again this week😘 thank you for all of you that have stood by and read this fanfic from the start!}~

"Jess, I'm scared what are you upto?" I spoke through the closed door. She eventually replied.

"Alright, come in." I immediately burst through the door. The room was in complete darkness but Jessie's en-suite door was slightly ajar. A flicker of light glimmered from under the door. I cautiously crept across the room.

"Jess?" I mumbled, slightly pushing open the door. The beautiful aroma of lavender filled my senses and I was stunned to see the room filled with beautiful flickering candles.

"I've got a real fetish for incense sticks and candles." I followed the sound of her voice, finding Jessie sat on the edge of the large bath and wearing only her underwear. She watched as my eyes took a long, sweet journey from her slightly ruffled hair, down to her perfectly painted toes, and back up.

"I thought we could do with a long bath. We need to relax. And we need to talk." I thought we'd already talked? She held her hand out for me to take. She had a strange and unreadable look on her face. I hesitantly took a step towards her.

"I'm not going to bite, Chlo." She snorted, snatching my wrist and pulling me into her.
"I got you a job." She beamed up at me, from her current sitting position. She entwined her fingers in mine, playing sweetly with my hands.

"You what?" I asked, although I heard her perfectly.

"I got you a job." She repeated. Not elaborating at all. "I want you and Holly to choreograph my tour. You'll be paid, and you'll be able to come with me. I need you to be there." She brought my right hand up to her face and her lips met the back of my hand.

"Really?" I gasped. Could I take money off my girlfriend though? "You'll pay me?" I questioned.

"Yes. You'll be working hard, don't worry." She smiled.

"It won't feel right taking money from you." I told her. It was true.

"I don't want to leave you alone alright. I'm scared for you. I want you by my side." Her voice became more firm and I noticed how her grip tightened on my hands. She was overprotective.
"Anything could happen while I'm gone baby. It'll be good to get out of harms way for a while. My tour manager and Melanie have asked to see you tomorrow though." Se explained. It was sweet that she was so worried, but I didn't need a minder.

"Thanks, I guess." I sounded ungrateful. Really ungrateful. Just as she opened her mouth to speak, Jessie's phone began to ring. We both looked towards the door in the bedroom but neither of us moved. We stood still until it eventually rang out. No sooner had the noise stopped, it started up again.

"I'm sorry, I better get it. You get in." She nodded towards the bath then left the room. I stripped off and slipped in to the warm water. I welcomed the soothing heat, sinking down. Jessie soon re-appeared.

"I'm scared." She blurted, standing alert in the doorway, frowning down at me.

"I answered the phone, and, and it was a woman. She said she needed to speak to you. I told her you were busy, and asked if I could pass on a message. She said no, so I asked who she was. She told me I'd find out soon, and then, well, she just put down the phone." Her voice wavered, I could see the panic on her face. She hadn't moved from the doorway.

"That's a little strange, but surely its nothing?" I questioned. What was so scary about that?

"Whoever it was, they know I'm with you. They called me to speak to you. How many people would call me to talk to you? Why wouldn't they give their name?" She spoke quickly. I sat bolt upright.

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