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Chapter Six - second thoughts?

"Sex Jessie. Sex" i said bluntly, probably blushing more than ever before. Jessie quickly detached her lips from my neck and froze. Is that not what she thought i meant? she looked shocked. I'd just put my foot in it. I'd wrecked it. Shit i shouldn't of said that i began to regret it, when suddenly i saw the corners of her lips turn up as she began to giggle. She was staring behind me. I turned round to see Han stood in the door way. She looked a bit shocked..

"Um, that wasn't what it looked like.." What else was i supposed to say. "Did you enjoy?" Or "want to stick around and watch the rest?" Although it was obvious i'd lied. It was exactly what it looked like.

"Really? What was it then?" She laughed. I raised my eyebrow and flashed her an evil glare. Silently telling her to piss off.

"Ok! Ok! I'm going!" She moaned, raising her hands as if she was surrendering herself. She began to giggle. safe to say i was kind of embarrassed. With that she began to close the door. Wasting no time Jessie instantly threw herself back at me, causing me to moan.

"Oh and can you keep it down? Kardashains is about to start.." She laughed poking her head back around the corner. She was doing it on purpose now.

"Look if you want to watch just ask?" I said sarcastically. With that she slammed the door making some over dramatic-clearly fake vomiting noise. This time i went to the door, and locked it. I turned back to Jessie who was sat on my bed giggling.

"Its not funny Jessie. This is why i have no life, she's a pain in the ass.." I moaned. Only causing her to laugh more. As i made my way back over to her she was looking round the room, like she was searching for something.

"Whats the matter?" I asked confused.

"You don't have any pillows? Or sheets?" She questioned.

"Um, wait there!" I said quickly. Unlocking the door and rushing into the living room. I frantically searched the room looking for the box containing my bedding, while Han sat throwing popcorn at me. Clearly everybody found me very amusing. As soon as i'd got it i made my way back in to my room. Jessie was laid across my bed. That was a sight. She had her eyes closed. Was she asleep? It was only like..8-ish. I gently lifted her head placing a pillow underneath. And covered her with my duvet. She looked so cute. Her eyes never opened, so i assumed she was asleep. I didn't know if she'd be happy waking up in the morning finding me next to her.. So i figured i'd have to sleep on the floor in the living room. Great.

I flicked off the light and I was just about to slip out of the room when i heard her speak.

"Where are you going?" She asked, worry filling her voice.

"You were asleep?" I questioned.

"No i wasn't, just resting my eyes." She said defensively.

"You're tired, go to sleep babe." I smiled.

"But where are you going?" She asked again, still sounding worried.

"To sleep in the living room." I explained. She laughed and made a 'pft' noise before lifting the duvet cover up, indicating she wanted me to get in. I closed the door and crawled in beside her. She tucked me in as if i was some little kid. I shuffled about a bit making myself comfortable before i felt her arm snake across my waist and her legs tangled with mine. I smiled and kissed her forehead that was now nuzzled into my neck as her fingers intwined with mine. I was now grinning. This was perfect. I hadn't been this happy in so long. Jessie was so... Different, the way she made me feel was just so...different. I didn't know how to explain it.i couldn't find the words.

I couldn't help but wish Han hadn't walked in, maybe Jessie would've never noticed there were no sheets and then maybe we'd of.. Carried on..

"Night Chlo" Jessie whispered looking upto me.

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