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Chapter Five - Intimate.

"Jessie, wait don't leave!" I shouted after her, jumping to my feet.

"I'm not leaving, i just thought we could use a drink.." She smiled, i could tell she was still hurt by how i reacted.

"Again, i thought you didn't drink?" I questioned raising an eyebrow. This is the second time, and i've only known her 24 hours. Mixed signals much.

"You look like you need it babe." She said passing me a glass from behind the sofa. She poured us both some red wine before sitting next to me again.

"I'm sorry." Jessie said suddenly, breaking the silence.

"I cant believe i- i mean i didn't mean to keep asking. I just couldn't believe it. I'm sorry.." She trailed off. You could see she was genuinely sorry. I leant in and gently kissed her cheek. I felt my face burn, i could tell i was bright red. So was she. We looked at each other and giggled. Her laugh was so perfect, just like her smile. She made me so nervous.. I'm never nervous around people like this. I'm not exactly confident, but, it was just crazy.

"Stop staring at me you freak" she laugh picking up a cushion and whacking me. I screamed as the cushion hit my glass and the wine splashed back into my face.

Jessie was laughing hysterically.

"My face!! My poor beautiful face!!" I gasped sarcastically wiping the wine from my face. Luckily it wasn't that full..

"You're so full of yourself!" She said whacking me with the cushion once again.

"Right, thats it." I said picking up her glass off the coffee table. She'd barely touched it, it was practically full. I slowly walked towards her as she backed away holding the cushion up to shield her.

"No! Please don't, please don't!" She screamed like a little kid as her back hit the wall and she realised she was stuck. I laughed evilly like some mad woman, it was pretty good i must admit.

"You wouldn't dare.." She whispered as i stood only a meter away from her.

"Wouldn't i?" I laughed. The terrified look in her eye disappeared and was replaced with a mischievous look, matching her smile. It was silent and tense. She stamped her foot making me jump as she swung the cushion at my face. I couldn't see as she kept the cushion pressed against my face, but decided to fling the glass anywhere.

"Missed me!" She squealed running off down the hall way. I heard a door slam. She was so immature. It was too adorable.

I over-dramatically stomped my feet down the hall way. I opened the bathroom door.

"Jessica where are youuuu" i sang like some murderer in a horror film. I glanced round the room, she wasn't there. She must be in my room. I headed for the door and turned the handle slowly. The room was pitch black. The light from the living room meant i could just about make out the outline of my bed. I bet she was hiding underneath. I closed the door behind me and stepped in.

"I'm going to get you Jessica." I whispered.

"BOO!" I heard a voice behind me. I felt two arms on my shoulders as Jessie jumped onto my back causing me to fall to the floor.

"Bitch! I nearly jumped out of my nappy!" I said breathing heavily.

Suddenly her weight was lifted from me. Where had she gone? I didn't even hear her move.

"Jessie?" I shouted standing up looking round. I couldn't see a single thing now.

"Jessie where are you?" I asked again. No answer. I stumbled towards the door searching the wall for the light switch. I felt hands grab both of mine.

"Don't do that." Jessie whispered into my ear. What was she doing? I swear that woman's crazy.

"You're not the boss of me" i spat sarcastically, again like a little kid. We were just like two big kids.

"Oh yes i am." She growled. Major crazy butterflies. That was sexy. She quickly spun me round and pinned me against the wall. Hands above my head.

"You wish." I whispered faintly, trying to carry on the flirting. Which was slightly hard considering i was about to hyperventilate.

"Please. Shut up and kiss me." She breathed against my lips.

Oh my..

"I would, but i can't see you." I giggled Jessie dropped one of my hands and flicked on the light switch. As soon as my eyes adjusted i aggressively pushed my lips against hers. Stuff taking it slow, i wanted her.

The kiss quickly turned into a snog. Soon her lips were trailing across my jaw leaving wet marks down my neck. I tilted my head giving her more of me. But she stopped.

"What happened to not wanting to rush things?" She asked stepping back. I stepped towards her, grabbing her lips in mine.

"No rush remember?" She teased, stepping back again. I stepped towards her, again, and put my finger over her lips.

"Do you want to do this or not?" I smirked. I really just wanted to..get on with it now. No denying i was seriously turned on.

"Do what?" She mumbled against my finger, raising her eyebrow again. It was cute the way she did that.

"You know.. Do it" I said quickly, leaning in to kiss her, in an attempt to shut her up for good.

"It? Whats it?" She whispered into my ear as she pulled back slightly.

"You know.." I mumbled. She knew exactly what i was talking about. She was just trying to wind me up. I really didn't want to say the word.

"No i don't? Tell me.." She said seductively. Oh man.

"Sex Jessie. Sex."


Oooh. You all hate me now don't you? Want the next chapter? I know you do ;)

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