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Chapter Twenty One: expectations

"Um, sorry i'll take those." Jessie quickly snatched my pants and cardigan and threw them on to the stairs.

"So... You're early?" Jess asked, in an attempt to break the awkward silence.

"Sorry dear, we didn't think it'd be a problem." The man-who i presumed was Jessie's dad-spoke up.

"Anyway, are we allowed in?" He continued.

"Urm, yeah, of course, come in." She stuttered slightly, opening the door, indicating for them both to come in. Her dad instantly plodded on over to me.

"Hello dear, you're chloe then? Lovely to meet you!" He beamed, embracing me in a hug and pecking my cheek.

"Actually dad, its Chlo. Not chloe.." Jessie interrupted. He nodded in response.

"So, Chlo, are you taking good care of my little girl?" He asked, stepping back slightly, his hand still placed on my arm. I froze. Was that a rhetorical question? Or did he want an actual answer. I was unsure of what to say..

Jessie's mother stepped inside the house, closing the door behind her.

"Now, Stephen. Don't tease the girl! Ignore him sweetheart." She smiled sweetly, slipping off her shoes.

"All these women. Ganging up on me! How will i cope?" He sighed over, dramatically. Jessie and her mum both smirked, i however, was still paralysed.

"Something smells good, can i see?" Jessie's dad asked, heading toward the kitchen.

"No dad! Its a surprise!" She shouted after him, following his lead, into the kitchen. Leave mine, and Jessie's mum. Alone.

"Well dear, its a pleasure to meet you!" She smiled, also pulling me in for a hug. She seemed sweet. When most people hug me, i tend to feel awkward. But somehow, her arms around me, seemed to ease me. She pulled back and looked me up and down.

"You're beautiful," she smiled, sweetly. My cheeks were on fire. Burning away.

"Um-i-uh- thank you, um, Mrs Cornish" i mumbled.

"Oh please, call me Rose, and my husband, Stephen. So tell me, how long have you two known eachother?" She asked sweetly.

"Um-not long, uh, a couple of weeks, ish" i struggled to think.

"Its nice to see she's found someone. Its been a while." She smirked. I half smiled.

"Please, don't be nervous dear. Come, lets see where they've got to" She suggested, linking my arm with hers, and guiding me into the kitchen. I felt a smile creep on to my face as we walked past the stairs, and i caught a glimpse of my pants. Slung across the steps.

"No! Stop touching things! Dad i-" I could hear jessie whining as we entered the kitchen. As we walked in, Jessie was stood in front of the oven, blocking the view. Stopping her dad from being able to see what she was cooking.

"Mum! Will you tell him. He's trying to work out what i'm cooking. It's supposed to be a surprise!" Jessie whinged to her mother as her dad placed his hands on his hips and sighed.

"Oh its easy Jess, its lamb lasagne. I could smell it outside!" Rose smirked, making her way over to the cupboard, where she took out four wine glasses.

"You've wrecked it now!" Jessie mumbled, nudging her mum, playfully. She put on glass back in to the cupboard, and took out a mug instead.

I watched as they teased eachother, like a family does. Jessie made herself a cup of tea whilst stephen attempted to open a bottle of wine.

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