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Chapter Forty Seven~despair and contempt

"W-what?" How the hell did she know that? Had she been following me?

"Tell me where you've been." Jessie asked, her voice completely monotone. She was speaking rather loudly, and I wondered whether anyone was listening in.

"Oh, I just went shopping." I couldn't think.

"For three hours? On your own? And you haven't bought anything." She checker my hands for bags and glanced at her car. I was a shitty liar.

"Well, I was, um-ring shopping. For you. I didn't have much success though." I flinched at my own heartless lie.

"I can't believe you'd actually stoop so low." She scoffed as she stepped outside, closing the door behind her. I shuffled back slightly, gulping noisily. "You'd actually promise me rings, just to dig yourself out of this hole." She spat.

"Jessie, I-I don't understand?"

"Are you cheating on me?" She crossed her arms over her chest and raised her eyebrows. How the fuck could she even think that? After the past couple of weeks. After the whole Melanie and my brother episode.

"Gosh baby, no!" My hand went out to grab her waist, but she backed away from me.

"Then who have you been emailing? Who have you just been to see? And why don't you want me to know?" Woah, what was this? 21 questions? Was she telling me she'd been reading my emails?

"Hold the fuck up, you read my emails?"

"You left the email open, on MY laptop. Of course I saw it. So come on, who is she? Or he even?" I started to laugh, a little too much.

"It's not funny!" She screeched, for a second I thought she might hit me. I stopped laughing.

"I'm sorry, it's just, like I'd cheat on you at all, especially with a guy." I chuckled slightly. She wasn't impressed. "For goodness sake, it was my mum. Alright? Don't get your knickers in such a fucking twist." I huffed before barging past Jessie and making my way in to the house. I opened the door to find Jessie's sisters Hannah and Rachel, totally eavesdropping on our conversation. I scowled at them and stormed straight upstairs and in to Jessie's old room. Now Rachel and Hannah, no doubt, would run off and tell Jessie's entire family that I was a cheating liar. Or some bullshit like that.

I crawled straight in to Jessie's bed and threw my head in to the pillow and screamed. There was nothing I wanted more than my mum to just fuck off out of my life. Yet, at the same time, she was ill. Whether She was an ass or not, i was all she had left now and she was still my mum, I'd have to help her. I hated myself for being such a decent person.

"I'm sorry." I jumped, quickly turning to see Jessie stood over the bed. I hadn't even heard her come in to the room.

"It's cool. Whatever." I huffed, sulking like a child.

"Can I?" Jessie asked, holding up the edge of the duvet, indicating she wanted to get in to the bed.

"It's your bed Jessie." I grumbled under my breath. I was being harsh ad fuck, and it genuinely hurt my chest to be so harsh to Jessie, but, well, she'd just accused me of cheating on her. That hurt.

Jessie took that as a yes, and so crawled in to the bed beside me. She cautiously wrapped her arm around my waist and snuggled in to my side. I sighed, out of both despair and contempt.

"Why didn't you just tell me?" Jessie mumbled.

"Because it's no big deal. My mum isn't worth thinking about." I shrugged.

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