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We all followed Emma to the huge basement. Everything in Helbram Mansion is huge! The Basement had a pool table in a corner and a few sets of bean bags. There was even a mini refrigerator there,

"Why is there a mini refrigerator here?" Drake asked.

Drake still had wobbly legs and he needed Scott's support to walk but still he did not fail to see the refrigerator. Emma then asked Scott to let go of Drake so Drake could sit in one of the bean bags,

"Hey... why it is there seriously?" Even Charlie asked curious.

"Why do you even ask?" Emma said confused.

"M hungry." Both Charlie and Drake said together simultaneously.

Emma looked at both of them, took a long deep breath and said, "The fridge is fully stocked; take anything you want from there."

Emma thought that only Charlie and Drake will be the ones to run and put their head inside the fridge but to both her and my surprise everybody went to get something or the other. I then realized even I was hungry so I got a sandwich out as well. You should have seen the surprised look on Emma's face,

"All of you were hungry? You should have said so... I would have arranged something..." Emma started but she was interrupted as Josh threw a object towards her which she caught within a blink of a eye,

"What's this?"

"Cold Coffee... you might be a little hungry yourself" Josh said.

"I don't drink cold coffee Josh..." Emma said at once but she was again interrupted by Josh,


"What did you just say?" Emma asked kind of furious.

"Nothing" joshes replied with a smirk.

"Sorry to interrupt you two, but why are we in the basement again?" Lucy asked.

"Oh yup... wait." Emma said walking towards the one of the walls. She pressed one of the bricks and a place opened up on the brick wall. Then something came out which seemed to be a fingerprint scanner. She scanned her finger but nothing else happened for a few seconds. Every one of us was sitting on the bean bags waiting for anything to happen.

Just as we were losing our interest the pool table moved aside to a corner of the basement, the floor moved as a black colour awesome jet or spaceship rose up in front of us. All of us stood up shocked and in awe; it was a magnificent ship,

"Guys, this is Octave; we will be riding this to the Ethiopian Desert, Dikika tomorrow." Emma said taking a sip of her cold coffee.

But none of us said a single word; we were so amazed by Octave. Emma looked at us surprised that none of us were uttering a word,

" Guy's you okay? I thought you would like it. I can make other arrangements if y..."

"NO!"All of us said together as we zapped out of the shock.

"Dude! This is awesome!!" Charlie said who was as happy as a five year old kid.

"I will be driving this!" Josh declared.

"Nope I will." I said. I wanted to drive it too.

"No I will!" Scott said excited.

And that's pretty well what happened for the next twenty-thirty minutes. Emma didn't stop us at first until she became irritated,

"Okay how about we will take turns..." Emma said trying to keep her

"Nope... Me first!" Drake insisted.

And so it continued for a few seconds until Emma gave us her evil stink eye. We all stopped talking immediately,

"Good. Now after a little training and dinner all of you will go to you rooms and sleep. If you can't sleep, then ring that bell in your room and your gnomes will put a sleeping spell on you. They will even pack for you all the essential things that you need in the journey. I want all of you to sleep soundly today so tomorrow you will wake up at 5 o'clock all refreshed no sleepy heads. We will train, then have breakfast and train again till afternoon. We will be leaving in the evening. " she said seriously.

And so after we finished the drinks and sandwiches, almost emptying the once fully stocked mini fridge, we trained briefly, had a nice dinner and then went to our rooms. I then changed and went to bed falling asleep immediately. 

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