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We didn't even find Emma in her room. But her room did take me by quite a surprise. Alfred seemed very tensed about Emma's whereabouts. We had searched the whole mansion and she was nowhere to be found.

"Maybe she is in the school campus?" Drake suggested.

"Maybe" Alfred was really very worried.

"Is there any way of tracking down Emma? I mean there's a lot of advanced technology here... she might have a tracking device on her." Josh asked.

"There is ... but we don't know if Mistress still has her tracking device on her."

"We can always give it a try, what does her tracking device look like Alfred" Catherine enquired.

"It's a pendant; Mistress Alice gave it to her. We no longer see her wearing it after Mistress's disappearance. She took that off because she gave up on the fact that she will never find her sister again. That's why m not sure. But we can just try. Please follow me to the computer room."

And we did. The computer room was huge; there we found both the old and the recent result sheets. Alfred took a seat in front of one of the computers and started typing with quite an incredible speed but then he just stopped with a very confused look in his face.

"What's wrong Alfred?" I asked him.

"It seems that Mistress had changed the password. I can't trace her if I don't have the password. This is really bad... It really is."

"Okay why don't you just cool your head and think all the possible passwords Emma could think of?" Brittney said.

"We are no Sherlock... But oh... We have not checked the tree house yet."

"Okay, Alfred just tell us the location of the tree house. I and Charlie will go and check the school, Catherine and Brittney can check the tree house while Lucy, Scott, Drake and you can try and guess the password." Josh suggested.

Everybody agreed to his suggestion. Alfred told both Catherine and Brittney the location of the tree house and they left immediately followed by Josh and Charlie who left for SWA.

After the four of them left, the computer room went quite silent the remaining four of us were thinking hard as to what could me Emma's password.

"Emma obviously must be looking for her sister desperately, let's try 'Alice'." Scott suggested.

Alfred did but it did not work. Then I noticed "2 chances left"

"Alfred what's that?" I asked him pointing towards that phrase

"Oh, that? That shows that there is only two more chances left to guess the right password." Alfred answered.

"What happens if we fail to guess the password on the last try?"

"BOOM" was Alfred's sweet reply.

"Please be joking. But how about we try the name of Alice in numbers which will be 1 12 9 3 5."Drake suggested

"Let's try that anyways, we don't have a choice"

And of course that didn't work. We now just had one chance left... and it was frustrating for all of us. But none of us stopped trying to think about all the possible things Emma could think of. Trust me there were a lot of things. But none of us knew Emma so well I guess only Alfred did. But I had a feeling that the password had to be related to Alice,

"Which day did Alice disappear Alfred?"

"We don't talk about it in the mansion. We are not allowed to."

"Alfred we do have to find Emma. Plus you don't have to tell us everything ... just tell us the date."Scott said.

"Ok. But you didn't get this information from me. 7th November 2015."

"Try 7115 then" I said.

"You sure Lucy?" Drake asked dead serious.

"Yes" I nodded.

Alfred typed in the numbers and hit the 'Enter' button as slowly as he could; all of us were expecting an explosion any moment. All of us had our eyes closed. But when no explosion occurred we opened our eyes surprised.

"We are in!! But now to see if Emma still has that pendant on." Scott declared.

"Okay I will start the tracing then. It will take time though" Alfred said.

"Okay...others will be back by then, let's see if they have any news."

Scott was right. Others may return by the time the machine had finished tracing and if they had news it would have be quite a relief.

Catherine and Brittney were the first ones to return from the tree house but they had no news. Josh and Charlie returned only a few minutes later; even they had no news except that the school was completely deserted. We told the rest that we had cracked the password. We waited patiently when there was a sound like 'ping' indicating that the computer had tracked down Emma.

"It shows that Emma is still inside the mansion, which cannot be right we have searched everywhere. So Emma left her pendant after all" Catherine said.

"Wait, the pendant... it is in Mistress's room!" Alfred exclaimed suddenly excited.

"Yes Alfred, Emma's pendant in her own room..." Charlie answered Alfred.

"No I mean the pendant ... it seems to be in Mistress Alice's room. But that can't be possible..."

"Wait! so there's another room we didn't check... Alfred you should have told us that! Come on let's go check that" Catherine said.

"You can't do that after Mistress Alice disappeared, her room was sealed shut. If anybody tried to open it the alarms would be activated and the person will get a 50000 volt electric shock. And there is no way Mistress Emma could be there because she does not even go near the corridor."

"But we have to go check it anyway."

After a lot of more argument Alfred finally agreed to it. We went through a totally isolated corridor. Even the light of that corridor were not working and it really gave me a creepy feeling. When we reached in front of Alice's room we found the door slightly opened. So Emma was in there after all. She must have figured out how to get rid of the 50000 volt electric shock giver... or whatever it was supposed to be called. Josh carefully and slowly opened the door as if scared to get a shock any time now.

Whatever Josh saw inside made him freeze. We called out to him, but he just ignored us. Charlie then just opened the door wide open. The sight that we saw was horrifying... the room was quite empty and right in the middle of the room was a pool of blood. I mean there was a lot blood... everywhere. Then I noticed that Josh was not looking at the ground but toward the ceiling. I looked up and what I saw shook the living daylights out of me. Everybody gasped at the sight while I heard Alfred give out a loud cry, 


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