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Apparently Emma had "stayed "behind to bid us some time, I don't think we needed that, at least I did not. We soon reached a spot where there was a red circle similar to that of the blue circle of the teleportation tube back at SWA. We all stood there in a circle and were immediately teleported back. Since Scott already had the scroll, he and Catherine went to give it to Mr Pollice. We then had to pay Maddam a visit where we were supposed to say to her about how "wonderful" our mission was, but in order to do all the team members had to be present or maddam would be pissed (when is she never) and hence everyone of us had to wait for Emma.

I was okay with the fact that Emma was the leader but I did not totally approve of it. But Emma managed to piss me off when she distracted me when I was about to fight the trolls. I could have easily beaten them. I was actually worried about the huge bump in Charlie's head though he seemed least bothered by it. It was then that Lucy offered to use a healing spell on Charlie who looked at me for approval. I would have usually preferred pixie form the underground gang but looking at Charlie's bump I nodded and he agreed.

Scott and Catherine soon returned and still there was no sign of Emma returning, even Charlie has healed perfectly by then. I hate waiting and waiting so long for Emma made me really impatient. Charlie noticed that,

"Cool down bro... She will be here soon and after all these are over remember about the fight meet."

Well, I of course I remembered about the fight meet with Allen Grinder. Fight meets are when a leader challenges another leader in a fight; it is anything but a friendly match.

"I remember Charlie."

And that was the only thing I said. I usually let Charlie to do all the talking and he seemed far from finished now,

"Are you ready for it...? I mean the fight meet. You know, you should also use a healing spell as well. That fall must have hurt pretty badly. It was the first thing I saw you falling like that, you usually ..."

"Shut up Charlie. That girl isn't here and my patience is wearing thin. Of course I m ready, I always m! Now where is that girl!? She is taking more time than required!!"

It had been a long time since I had spoken so much in front of everybody except Charlie. But I had, has enough of it! Everyone else who had been busy finding excuses to talk to each other stopped thinking of excuses and looked at me like they were surprised to find out that I could talk. It was then, apparently that Emma decided to show up and I had not noticed that,

"Well look who decided to do a little talking. And Josh, my name isn't 'girl' it's Emma, learn it will you? It is not so hard." Yup that was the first thing Emma said after making us wait for so long. She was bleeding at a Lot of places. Her long skinny pants were now torn to shreds while she seemed to have just changed her T-shirt.

"What took you so long!!?" Drake asked who may have been pissed for missing his nap time while waiting for Emma to return.

"I first went to my house changed my top but when i realized it was getting too late I no longer had time to change my pants... nor did I have time to heal."

"YOU WENT BACK HOME!?" Brittney asked, or rather screamed.

"Don't be frantic...I had to change and now what were you people thinking attacking those trolls back there!? The riddle said about the troll that sleeps a lot, eats a lot and bashes a lot which mean the troll who does that a lot or the most. Which will be none other than the head troll. I was going to wait for you people but after teleporting I landed straight into a trap and was captured. But why did you guys suddenly decided to attack the two harmless trolls!?"

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