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"Where is Emma?" Josh asked.

I looked around us pretty sure that I would find Emma somewhere doing some research about the mega vipers and those stuff but no, I did not find her.

"She might be in her room or in the basement" I suggested but Drake, Scott, Brittney... none of them replied, or even moved a muscle, all they did was just stand there like a statue with their heads down.

"Well, don't just stand there you three! Say something!" Charlie said confused.

"Guys...." Catherine started now all worried about the weird silence of the three.

Octave then landed in a place completely unknown. I had no clue as to where we were any longer. Drake was the first to utter a word but no one could understand what he was saying...

"Drake... I swear if you don't tell me what is going on I am..." Josh started all extremely angry; Charlie stopped him just in time,

"Whoa! Calm down there... Josh..."

Drake then even stopped the muttering of the few words and all became silent. Josh was meanwhile glaring at the three of them. I was getting worried that Josh would burst any moment now. Believe me; no one was moving... the silence was too much to bear.

"Scott... what happened?" Catherine asked directing the question to Scott. Even Scott seemed very uncomfortable to answer and that was definitely a first considering Scott always speaks his mind and never dodges a question. Catherine then asked Brittney who just broke down in tears, and I mean she was sobbing... Now things were getting real serious,

"Brittney, please we need an explanation... so for the last time, where is Emma?" Catherine asked again.

"She... She... She is d... dead... She..."

"What! What did you just say!?" Josh said infuriated all ready to burst any moment.

"Whoa... Josh... Please, you don't have to shout like that... I mean..." Scott said stepping towards Brittney but Charlie interrupted him,

"Listen Scott... If you don't want Josh to shout at all, why don't you three stop playing your sick game and tell us where the hell is Emma?!" Charlie said also losing his patience. All of us were... we had to know what was going on! Scott finally explained to us what had happened,

"While we were searching for the globe we met Goddess Hecate, she is the Greek Goddess of magic. She said that the Globe was already taken away just before we had arrived there. Emma asked her if she knew where they had gone... Hecate said that they went through a portal and hence she knew. She said that she could open a portal for us leading to the exact location but... portals require a lot of energy and she being a goddess uses only pure magic and pure magic is only formed through sacrifice. Emma suggested the fact that she could just tell us the location but Hecate said that it would be too late by the time we reach there and also that the ship was under attack by two mega vipers... which was true as later proved. We had no choice; one of us had to sacrifice for an immediate escape from the mega vipers. All the three of us volunteered one by one but Hecate refused all three of us and without any warning or anything Emma stepped forward and Hecate did something... I honestly still have no clue as to why or what happened. It happened so fast... Emma was in fire and the next thing ... The next thing I saw was ashes... Emma was no longer there... Emma had not even struggled in the fire she had just stood there. Hecate then just opened up a portal and she vanished and along with her the ashes vanished. Then you guys showed up and..."

"Are you saying that Emma is...?" Catherine started.

"Dead..." Josh finished the sentence horrified. He got up from his seat and then started walking towards the elevator,

"Josh... Where are you going? "Charlie asked.

"I just want to be alone. I will be in my room. Don't disturb me... please." Josh said turning towards us just as the doors to the elevator closed.

I was standing all these while, could no longer feel my legs, I just sat down on one of the benches in shock. Brittney was sitting beside me with no expression on her face. Catherine who also seemed to be in shock just stood there. Charlie was taking deep breathes trying to keep himself calm. Drake looked down long and hard as if he was guilty and Scott just stood there not knowing what to do next.

"Why don't we go to our rooms for now...umm... "Catherine suggested very confused.

Scott nodded in agreement and so Scott along with Drake went to their room. Catherine then came and sat beside Brittney,

"Brittney, are you okay...?" Catherine asked slowly recovering from the shock.

"No..." Brittney answered right away without even thinking once.

But then I remembered something,

"You know... Emma was inflammable..." I said remembering what Emma had shown in the lab back in the mansion."

"What do you mean?" Brittney asked at once turning towards me. I could even see Catherine's face behind Brittney, curious.

"Emma once showed me, she did not burn in fire, in her lab."

"What are you talking about; there is a lab back in the mansion?" Catherine asked me.

"YES," and then I explained to them the whole thing Emma had shown me in her lab from her weird purple, venom blood to her being absolutely inflammable.

"Honestly Lucy, I don't know what you are talking about... but still I think we should talk about it later. Nothing is making sense to me now. How about all of us go to our rooms and rest a little? We will talk about it later... please..." Catherine pleaded to which I agreed.

And hence the three of us went to our rooms to "rest" but trust me I could not relax for even one minute.

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