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Well my impression of Emma was anything but impressive. the first thought I got after meeting her was that she was just a "show off"," too proud of herself" and such other type things falling under the same category. In a few words I dint like her. As simple as that

The second time I saw her, was in the vampire girl's cabin. I am the head cabin girl and I was in the reception checking about a certain problem. (Don't exactly remember what was the problem)...Being a head girl of a cabin in SWA is like being a manager of a 5 star hotel. Not Kidding.

Anyways I approached her seeing that she was standing in the entrance blocking the pathway. When I reached her I heard her sigh in resentment.

"Need help?" I asked her in my most polite voice and in my most friendly smile.


Yup, to my efforts she gave me an answer, short and

"Well, then don't just stand there ...go to your cabin room will you? You blocking the pathway "I replied to her answer little offended by her annoying behaviour.

She just nodded least bothered and went to talk to Ms Danger our receptionist (she is a afterlife ghost). I quietly followed her,

"Excuse me, the names Emma Helbram. Maddam said I will find my room in this cabin. Can you help me?"

(No such word like "please")

"Well, welcome to SWA Ms Helbram, hope you enjoy your stays here -"

But Emma interrupted her (read rudely) while rolling her eyes with a fake crooked smile

"Ya sure.... speed up will you "

"Yes ma'am, Miss Veneza will lead you to your room. She is your roommate" Miss Danger said as politely she could.

"And she is?"

"Right behind you" Miss Danger replied and went back to her work. Emma then turned to find me behind her. I actually smirked while speaking to her,

"Well you do need my help. Thank me later. My name is Catherine Veneza I am the head girl here. Follow me. What is your room number again?"

"I don't actually know, the lady in the reception said that you were my roommate. And wipe that smirk out of your face you look like a an idiot"

"Hey stop being rude....wait! What! We share a room....!?"

"I agree horrifying news...Isn't it? But I can't help it "

"Let's get going there's nothing much to be done anyway."

Yup that is pretty much our first conversation.

When Emma joined SWA it was awkward itself. Emma joined in the middle of the year. Usually the school never accepts requests in this time of the year plus she was joining at the...Well...higher classes (age does not matter in supernatural schools...Since all supernaturals only age very slowly) though she lacked proper training and with NO CLUE of the vast history of our world.[i was proved wrong though later]

The first month was like as if she never existed. She was rarely present in the room and even IF she was there we never had a chat well, most of the time we were having an argument which you have to agree cannot to consider as a "chat".

Shortly after Emma joined the missions started. Missions are like quests but maybe a little less (by 1 %) not dangerous. They can be also defined as training sessions without the supervisions of the teachers.

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