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I was actually looking very forward to ride octave. It was so big and magnificent. I was the first one to get up, because of the excitement. In fact I was so excited that I totally forgot that we were going to be training first and that we would be leaving in the evening. I looked at the time and saw that it was only 4 O' clock in the morning, even the training was supposed to be starting at 5 O' clock. I went downstairs least expecting anyone to be there. But I was wrong, Emma was downstairs all ready in her Combat dress and she was speaking furiously t Alfred about some black box,

"What do you mean you don't know how it got there? I mean..." she furiously said,

"But Mistress I..." Alfred was going to say something but then they noticed me.

"Hello? What's going on?" I asked curious.

"Nothing actually, Alfred do what I told you to do. Charlie? What are you doing still awake? I thought that I was clear when I said I wanted everybody asleep."

"I just woke up. I was..."

"Let me guess? Excited to ride Octave?" she interrupted.

I nodded my head like noddy with a childish grin.

"You sure you're not sleepy? We are going to train continuously today no excuse... An..."

"Emma did you sleep last night?" I asked her. It seemed that she did not even blink the night before forget about sleeping.

"Umm... you know what since you are awake one hour early... Why don't you follow me?" Emma said dodging my question. So indeed she did not sleep, her ignoring my question proved me right, plus I was used to all the "Dodging" the questing thingy because Josh did it all the time. Anyways I followed her half sure we were going to the training rooms to train but instead Emma lead me to the basement,

"Where are we going?" I asked her.

"You see since you are awake so soon, we have three options, either we train but I am not in a mood to do so actually, we have breakfast but who has breakfast so early plus I have a grand breakfast planned for everybody so I am pretty sure that we should have it with everybody present and lastly, we could take a ride"

"A ride?"

"Why I thought you will be excited to ride octave, do you not wanna ride it?" Emma asked with a fake smirk knowing my answer very well.

"Hell yes!"

And with that Emma pressed one of the bricks, scanned her hand and soon enough in front of us stood the awesome ship, Octave.

The gates opened as soon as Emma took a few steps towards it. We entered the huge and magnificent ship, the door let directly to a dark place. We then heard a loud and clear female noise as the doors closed behind us and the lights came on,

"Welcome to octave Miss Emma and friend."

"Hello again Octave" Emma said.

I looked at Emma confused as to what was going on,

"Oh, I forgot to say that the ship is not called Octave, I mean the ship is actually a robot shaped as a ship... Oka I have a feeling I am just confusing you" Emma asked to which I answered with a nice and big nod.

"The programming, I mean the voice that you heard? She was Octave; the program is named Octave not the ship"

"You are not making much sense now Emma"

"Never mind" Emma said giving up.

"Were we? I mean..."

"This is the basement"

"Basement!? Your ship has a basement?" I said very surprised.

"Yes and don't call it a ship, its Octave. She has three floors actually, that is the elevator, come-on..." Emma continues as we go on the elevator,

"The top floor has the cockpit and the kitchen, the second floor has the eight rooms and a meeting room... not that impressive as that we have in the Mansion but it should do, the first floor has a small basement for storages and the entrance of course"

"Sorry but did you just say a 'small basement'? I just saw it... it was in no way small."

"Oh, Trust me Charlie it's small... you say so because you haven't seen the whole of our basement in the Mansion, Now come on let's go for a ride."

There were eight chairs all facing outside. There were even four benches, two in each side attached to the walls. There were even some complex belts that we had to put on... Emma insisted on putting on the belt. We occupied the two chairs in the middle. Emma hit a button and the wall in front of us just shifted away. As we went outside I noticed some water,

"Hey why is there water on the walls?"

"Because we are leaving from the back at the mansion... from in between the waterfall?" Emma did her best to give me a clue but I didn't get a thing.

"The waterfall?"

"Ya... the waterfall of the huge outdoor pool."

"Outdoor pool? How many pools does the Mansion have?"

"Two... An indoor and an outdoor pool." Emma mentioned casually as we took off into the sky.

"You have two personal pools... Why I am not surprised."

Emma just smiled a little then we both concentrated on flying Octave, Emma helped and explained me the functions. I even asked where she had got Octave, to which she said,

"My parents made two Ships one for me and one for my sister. Mine is Octave while my sister's known as Piatra."

We chatted a little but mostly we enjoyed the beautiful scenery. We returned back to the mansion in fifty minutes to be precise. How did I know that? Emma told me.

When we returned Catherine, Lucy, Scott and Josh were in the kitchen all in their combat dresses. They looked at me surprised when we came from the basement,

"Where were you two?" Catherine asked.

"Just went out for a ride out" I said happily.

"What where!?" Scott asked curious.

"Oh... Emma gave me a ride into the octave because I woke up early"

Everybody looked at Emma with wide eyes,

"What? He was awake one hour early, and I was bored so I gave him a ride. Now please go to the team training room we will start training soon enough. Charlie go and change into your combat dress you can't train in your pajamas"

I had no clue what she was talking about until I realized I was still in my pajamas... I immediately went towards my rooms to change as Emma called Alfred and told him to go and wake up Brittney and Drake.

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