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"According to the attack described by you two... the creature had red eyes, was a shapeless black mass, had a really lovely voice, could teleport and scream really loud. The only creatures that do match the description are the vipers. Vipers were the poisoned lost souls who worked under the Evil king of west. Vipers were initially the purest of souls that can ever exist, the king used to capture these souls before they could go near the light which is a pathway leading to heaven. The king did some experiments which are not clearly mentioned in the books. These experiments tarnished and defiled the souls which is why the vipers are also known as "The poisoned souls". The female has red eyes while the Males have blue eyes. Male vipers were rare even during the anciet era. There were said to be only two male vipers at that time one of which were sucked in by the earth itself and the other one is still supposed to be alive. The female vipers can mimic voices while the raspy screams are their real voices. Onlythose can hear the rasping voice of the vipers who are targeted by it. That isthe reason why no one else heard it's screech except Scott and Charlie; causeBloody Mary targeted both of them..The male vipers have well... pretty much normal voices. Both male and female vipers can fly, teleport and go through walls. But the males seem to have some extra powers that are the powers of hypnotism and control. That is all that I could gather till now."I explained; as everybody listened to this information with great attention.

After I woke up Alfred refused to let me go downstairs, there was a lot of argument until I was forced to agree to remain in my bed provided Alfred would tell me exactly what others were doing. So after Charlie and Scott had described the attack to others Alfred had informed me about it immediately. I had even sent the result sheets (After analyzing) to others so they could at least train in their combat rooms. Meanwhile; after lots of check up by Alfred and the elf's Ricky, Nicky and Donna they allowed me to get out of bed and I directly headed to the Library.

Everybody had many questions to which I answered very patiently. After that we all went back to the team training room. We even managed to open the doors of level two and level three. And after we were in the level three training room I decided that we had done enough improvement for one day and not to push the others so much and hence our training came to an end for that day.

Everyone was very tired and hungry so after the training was over everybody literally rushed to the kitchen. After eating we just sat in the living room feeling too exhausted and lazy to move. Everybody was explaining to me some of the activities of SWA and their funny memories.

Everything was going on fine when suddenly I could not breathe. It seemed that my lungs were no longer functioning. My eyes became wide with panic. The others noticed that too and they were saying something which I could not hear. I could not feel anything; it felt as if all my organs were shutting down. The noise of my rapidly beating heart increased and increased. Every inch of my body was paining. And the next thing I know I am falling.

I had a dream which did not make any sense. It seemed that I was falling continuously in an endless abyss. Around me were different images, lots of them. There were images of my sister, my friends and all my old memories. I looked closely into one of them, in that image my parents were standing there smiling at me as if proud of me. Then something happened as my parent's expression changed as if they were calling out to me and everything went blur. And then I woke up.

I found myself in the sofa of the living room surrounded by worried faces, but the most prominent face was that of Josh who seemed to relax a little bit when he saw that I was awake. He helped me sit up right. I looked around confused trying to figure out what had just happened. Others were of no help. There were a lot of things going on, too many people talking at the same time; I was getting a very severe headache. Charlie was saying it was a heart attack or something and that I should be going to the hospital. At last the commotion came to as end when I just stared hard at everybody without moving a single muscle. Works like a charm all the time.

Everybody became silent not knowing what to do next. The only thing reasonable that I came up with was that I was having a panic attack. Alfred then suggested that I should go and rest (again) I would have argued normally, but I was feeling too sick to do so. Josh helped me get up the stairs and into my room. I just lay there with my eyes wide open while Josh just stared at me,

"What are you staring at!?" I asked at last irritated.

""Go to sleep! I am waiting for you to go to sleep..." he replied.

"I can't go to sleep with you staring at me like that!"

"I don't know Emma. But I am not going until you go to sleep... "

"Okay!" I said and I just closed my eyes hoping that I will fool Josh and he would go away.

"I know you are not asleep Emma"

"I m trying to! Just leave already... where is Alfred?"

"Alfred is downstairs attending others. If you are missing him so much I can always act like him.... Mistress, please go to sleep..."

"Ha-ha Josh... Very funny...hilarious."I said with my eyes still close. Josh was trying his best to annoy me and he had managed to do so.

"Emma... M not leaving until you fall asleep peacefully." He said.

I opened my eyes just to find him really very close to my face. There was only a few inches gap. I could actually feel blood gushing into my cheeks...

"What... What happened? Do you have a fever" he said checking if I had.

"Nothing... You are just too close to my face! Move..." I said a little too loudly then I actually meant to. Josh got up and sat on the stool which was beside my bed. I turned the other side of my bed, facing away from Josh. And I fell asleep after a few minutes.

But I knew Josh never left my side because when I had the panic attacks again and again for like four to five times that night; someone was definitely there calming me down.

And I perfectly knew who that was.

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